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A Q Re Dogs Behaviour In Play


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Hi guys, our neighbour has a gorgeous girl she is a mix of rohesion (sp), pity, English staffy, going by what the owner has said, mentioning the breed in case you need to know re behaviour, she is a gorgeous girl:-)

Anyway my question is she plays quite rough and since rogue is only almost 20 wks they don't play often she is almost 6 mths I think. When they play she seems to go for his neck,it seems to be when he is on his back, no growling its all play and our neighbour calls her back, he really watches her and he is on top of her when she does this and makes her sit with him then he lets her play. Should we be concerned at this behaviour? .

Would you stop this interaction totally or is this normal.

Thanks in advance :-)

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My dogs do this to each other all the time but I generally don't let them play like that with other dogs. While I wouldn't be worried as such, when you have rough playing dogs you need to be extra vigilant and choose carefully which dogs you let them play with.

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I always like to pay attention to what happens when someone gets hurt, or if one or the other looks like they've had enough. If the other dog settles down in response to a yelp, or in response to someone trying to get away, then you're probably all good. Inhibited bites to the neck are all part of normal play.

BTW, it's very cool that your neighbour is able to call his pup out, settle him, then send him back in.

Edited by Aidan2
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Bull breeds tend to play with every dog as if it's their best friend and they've loved together for years. Sounds like your neighbour is on top of it which is great, you just don't necessarily want your pup learning the 'bull breed way' because not many other breeds (other than typically labs and a couple of others) tend to enjoy it!

If you're interrupting it before it gets too crazy and getting the pups to settle down and keeping an eye on them I wouldn't think itd be an issue :)

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When I'm not sure about something like that I watch the reaction of the other dog. E.g. My girl growls at anything and everything (even her toys) so if I'm not sure how to interpret it I just watch how my boy reacts. It's usually nothing, she's just 'talkative' :laugh: IMHO regular interruption of play is a good thing anyway.

Weez and his best friend (a GSD) grab each other by the neck or collar all the time :)

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Thank you guys I was worried that if it turned in that moment she had his neck then it would be all be over for him, we will just keep doing what we are doing, so far no one has crossed the line so to speak and there has been no yelping .. I am glad it is normal play .. She is a gorgeous girl and fast ,

I will tape them playing next time poor rogue is tired out after their play session :-)

Our neighbour is really good with her he loves her to bits :-) and I am impressed with how he takes control of her she is a beautiful girl ..:-)

Edited by mumof4girls
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It's easy to get a bit frightened at that kind of play, particularly when you're new to rough playing breeds, but as others have said I wouldn't worry. As you get to know Rogue more (and as she grows and matures) you'll have an even better understanding of what she's ok with, and when she's no longer happy and starts panicking. Sounds like you've got a great play pal there though! :thumbsup:

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