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Anyone Else Have A Water Baby?


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Yep...definately a couple of water babies live here. Most days they get to play in the pool for up to one & half hours...& yes, sometimes they ask for the umbrella to be put up so they can lay around & relax by the side of the pool. :laugh:


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I wish my dogs were water babies.

They have a clam shell pool but have never set foot in it :rolleyes:

They treat it like a giant water bowl.

We went to kepala one day and Mosley went to run nito the water but stopped dead when it touched his foot...big baby :laugh: Lili just doesn't even want a bar of it.

Loving all the gorgeous pics!

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Yep...definately a couple of water babies live here. Most days they get to play in the pool for up to one & half hours...& yes, sometimes they ask for the umbrella to be put up so they can lay around & relax by the side of the pool. :laugh:


OMG Sheena that could be my two - just change the piccie to two yellow Labs...

I thought we were the only crazy people who have a pool purely for the dogs - we have not been in it all summer bc of the weather but I can't keep my two out when we are home :laugh:

I think jumping into the pool and retreiving is probably their most favourite thing in the world to do - I think it almost NEARLY trumps dinner time and that is saying ALOT with Labs :laugh:

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I love all the pictures and stories of all the adorable water babies!

I indeed have 2! 3rd is not however :laugh:

Rusty and Biscuit will jump into the pool at any opportunity, however are not aloud to because phosphate forms from them peeing while they swim...poor them :laugh:

Rusty just swims aimessly in the ocean all the time, but Biscuit is too scared to go out as far as Rusty, but still goes in.

And watering the garden they are both running after that water spray :p


Sea Monster, Attack! by All4aBiscuit, on Flickr

In regards to Biscuit's collar - yes, he is a boy, and yes, I find it funny to confuse not only himself, but others into thinking that he is female. Pink lead, nametag, some bling...sometimes I wonder why I'm so funny

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Beautiful pictures everyone :thumbsup:

Both Simi and Acheron love the hose and sprinklers and Acheron loves having a bath. Simi has not been to the beach yet but I bet she will love that too. Today I came home for luch and when I let Simi outside she went straight for the water bowl :D


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I love all the pictures and stories of all the adorable water babies!

I indeed have 2! 3rd is not however :laugh:

Rusty and Biscuit will jump into the pool at any opportunity, however are not aloud to because phosphate forms from them peeing while they swim...poor them :laugh:

Rusty just swims aimessly in the ocean all the time, but Biscuit is too scared to go out as far as Rusty, but still goes in.

And watering the garden they are both running after that water spray :p


Sea Monster, Attack! by All4aBiscuit, on Flickr

In regards to Biscuit's collar - yes, he is a boy, and yes, I find it funny to confuse not only himself, but others into thinking that he is female. Pink lead, nametag, some bling...sometimes I wonder why I'm so funny

My dogs don't pee in the pool. I leave the pool gate open & they run out onto the lawn to pee, then run back in & back into the pool. If I close the gate, they paw at it to let me know they want to get out for a pee. Pity my human swimmers wern't so considerate ;)

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