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I went to the Camden Show today and got these pics of the showjumping... I think I did reasonably well considering they were travelling at some decent speeds, and I had to use the long lens because I was a little distance away...

This horse was so smooth in it's movement - and it seemed to float like Michael Jordan when it jumped - amazing!











More coming...

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They were huge jumps - about 5 feet or more - and the grey horse in the first set of photos had the nicest style when going over them - I could have photographed that horse all day...

There were a few official photographers on the course also.

How would I go about getting the photos to the riders? The show closes tonight... errr!


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It was definitely an exercise in getting my focus changed quickly for each of the jumps as the horses did the course. I'm pretty happy that most of the photos were in focus... lol!

I was using the 55-250 lens on AF, shooting in Sports mode - and we had lovely light, which helps a lot.

The average time for each horse to do the course was just under 40 seconds... around 8 jumps I think...


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We didn't get that far toshman - we only had a couple of hours to use, and I used most of it on the horses... and the walk back to the car... *grin*

Maybe next year - or if you know of any more agility days coming up in the area, I'd be happy to come and see if I can get some nice photos...


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We didn't get that far toshman - we only had a couple of hours to use, and I used most of it on the horses... and the walk back to the car... *grin*

Maybe next year - or if you know of any more agility days coming up in the area, I'd be happy to come and see if I can get some nice photos...


I could see what you mean about the walk back to the car....there seemed to be cars kilometres around the venue :laugh: we were lucky, and could park close on the grounds, as exhibitors They've asked us back next year, so leave some time to come and see the dogs jumping too :thumbsup:

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Great pics! :thumbsup: You can probably send the pics or a link to them via email to the show organisers, they might have an email list or know one of the local clubs and could forward it on? The last time I took pics at a club event I emailed the pics to the club president so they could forward it through the membership, I don't know if they did but I gave it a shot :)

Might take my camera out to the Toowoomba show today and get a few happy snaps :)

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I found the Jumping NSW website that had a few shots from the Camden Show on it, so I rang the contact number on the site and offered to put all of the photos on a disk and send them to her... which I'll be doing this weekend... *grin*


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