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Bitches Heats And Mating


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Hi i recently heard this and was wondering if other poeple think that its true or just a myth etc....

i got told that if when mating a bitch that she conceives she will go off heat very quickly(straight away) while a bitch that has been mated and didnt conceive will continue to be on heat as per usual and go off in time.

Has anyone else seen this happen/beleive this to be true...i just find this very interesting as id never heard it before.

Bitches ive bred in the past who have gotten pregnant still had thier usual matings where as i got told that a bitch who conceives usualy goes off straight away and wont let a dog near here again.

Look forward to hearing peoples experiences

Edited by SteppenwolfKennels
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Have bred a couple of different breeds since 1986 and been involved with friends in other breeds as well and I would say that I've seen bitches who have conceived stay in season and I've seen bitches who haven't conceived stop cycling immediately.

However, that said, I think in MANY cases it is a good sign if a bitch goes out of heat after being mated, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it if pushed to put my money where my mouth is.

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A bitch will ovulate and be able to have her eggs fertilized only for a set period of time and that doesn't change. A bitch may ovulate either early or late though and may also be receptive to physically mating for varying periods. Fresh sperm can last in the bitch up to seven days or so so if she is mated several days or more before ovulation and fertilization she may present as still being 'in season' afterwards (As she hasn't ovulated and the eggs havent been fertilised yet), just as if she is mated on or closer to fertilisation ( which happens 48 hours after ovulation) she may seem to 'go out' more quickly. Note that the date a bitch is bred is not the important one but rather the dates of ovulation and fertilisation, as regardless of date of mating the date of fertilisation is 'day one'.

Edited by espinay2
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I have had bitches tart all the way through and stand all the way through. I have had other bitches seem to "go off" after a day or so after mating.

Like mentioned previously, I would not bet the farm on it.

I just mated one bitch here. I had her prog tested on Sunday - she was 4.55. Got a mating Tuesday. The dog was kinda interested. Then the next few days. Nothing. She tarted a little but both seemed not so keen. Did another prog test on the Thursday and she had spiked at 22. The dog should have been just about ready to rape her. Nope. They were both not keen. We did an AI on the Friday.

I think she is pregnant. Still have to wait a few more days until ultrasound. She is 27 days from the AI today. I like to do my ultrasound around day 35. (personal preference).

This bitch has had two litters prior and she stood from day 11 right through to 13 and mated a number of times. The tie in those cases was about 5 minutes each. This time, the tie was a good 20 minutes and she was sucking down hard.

Fingers crossed it is not a phantom and we got her. The science tells us it should be. But their responses are a little confusing.

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A bitch will ovulate and be able to have her eggs fertilized only for a set period of time and that doesn't change. A bitch may ovulate either early or late though and may also be receptive to physically mating for varying periods. Fresh sperm can last in the bitch up to seven days or so so if she is mated several days or more before ovulation and fertilization she may present as still being 'in season' afterwards (As she hasn't ovulated and the eggs havent been fertilised yet), just as if she is mated on or closer to fertilisation ( which happens 48 hours after ovulation) she may seem to 'go out' more quickly. Note that the date a bitch is bred is not the important one but rather the dates of ovulation and fertilisation, as regardless of date of mating the date of fertilisation is 'day one'.


and just to add -

If the bitch has conceived, progesterone levels will stay high to sustain the pregnancy. If she hasn't, the levels will drop - so progesterone testing is one way of making sure.

you can also check using swabs and checking the epipheral cells under a microscope to check the end of season and the start of diestrus. I have done this and my girl ovulated on day 11 (prog tested). She reached diestrus on day 21. She was mated on 11 and 13. She fell pregnant. She cycled as she normally would. She didn't come out of season more quickly.

If you are asking that if a bitch is mated, it means her season has ended and you can put her back with other dogs - the answer is no.... they stay in season after they have been mated The eggs inside the bitch all fertilize at the same time - even if there are sperm in there from different matings and even different dogs. If she was mated before fertilization, then she can still fall pregnant to another mating, even by a different dog.

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Hi i recently heard this and was wondering if other poeple think that its true or just a myth etc....

i got told that if when mating a bitch that she conceives she will go off heat very quickly(straight away) while a bitch that has been mated and didnt conceive will continue to be on heat as per usual and go off in time.

Has anyone else seen this happen/beleive this to be true...i just find this very interesting as id never heard it before.

Bitches ive bred in the past who have gotten pregnant still had thier usual matings where as i got told that a bitch who conceives usualy goes off straight away and wont let a dog near here again.

Look forward to hearing peoples experiences

Absolute B/S - they stay in season for the same amount of time.

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I've found most of mine go off very quickly if they've conceived. Whether the hormonal or scientific or anything else evidence suggests otherwise this has been what I have observed.

Obviously it is different for every bitch.

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I have just mated my bitch who stood from day 11 to day 18.

I did note that she seemed to go off after that without the usual more bloody type discharge towards the end. She is a maiden and only a few weeks in so time will tell I guess??

Oh the shortest mating was a 10minute tie, she also had a 50minute tie and a 55 minute tie.

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Hi i recently heard this and was wondering if other poeple think that its true or just a myth etc....

i got told that if when mating a bitch that she conceives she will go off heat very quickly(straight away) while a bitch that has been mated and didnt conceive will continue to be on heat as per usual and go off in time.

Has anyone else seen this happen/beleive this to be true...i just find this very interesting as id never heard it before.

Bitches ive bred in the past who have gotten pregnant still had thier usual matings where as i got told that a bitch who conceives usualy goes off straight away and wont let a dog near here again.

Look forward to hearing peoples experiences

Absolute B/S - they stay in season for the same amount of time.

Sorry i didnt mean go out of heat i mean go out of being willing to stand and be mated....

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The bitch i was discussing with someone else about was only mated this week she stood from day 7 and was mated with the aid of a stud master on day 10, 12 & 13 where the stud master said on the day 13 she was really ready and that was her ideal day for mating and that she should be mated from that day onwards ....the very next day she had gone off and wanted to KILL the dog and only the night before was standing and flaging for the dog and the stud master...the owner of the bitch told me that it was a good sign shed gone off cos they beleived that when a bitch concieves they will go off (out of standing for the dog) very quickly...

this is only why im asking cos bitches ive bred before ive never seen this hapen they are always willing to be mated still (if still in their days for mating) and have never had a dog in the prime time of being mated have a mating and they very next day want nothing to do with the dog ... see to me if this bitch was only at day 13 and told that its her first day of being in her prime for mating to go off the next day is odd to me ...maybe she has conceived and fingers crossed for themn :)

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The bitch i was discussing with someone else about was only mated this week she stood from day 7 and was mated with the aid of a stud master on day 10, 12 & 13 where the stud master said on the day 13 she was really ready and that was her ideal day for mating and that she should be mated from that day onwards ....the very next day she had gone off and wanted to KILL the dog and only the night before was standing and flaging for the dog and the stud master...the owner of the bitch told me that it was a good sign shed gone off cos they beleived that when a bitch concieves they will go off (out of standing for the dog) very quickly...

this is only why im asking cos bitches ive bred before ive never seen this hapen they are always willing to be mated still (if still in their days for mating) and have never had a dog in the prime time of being mated have a mating and they very next day want nothing to do with the dog ... see to me if this bitch was only at day 13 and told that its her first day of being in her prime for mating to go off the next day is odd to me ...maybe she has conceived and fingers crossed for themn :)

Perhaps what was meant by 'concieves' is time of fertilisation (which actually is the date of conception regardless of when the bitch was mated). Certainly a bitch will go 'off' after this as a rule (as after a set period the egg can no longer be fertilised regardless of whether it actually was or not).

Did you do progesterone tests or smears to confirm when 'prime time' actually was? Noting that there are no set actual days when a bitch should be ready as they can ovulate early (e.g. day 8 or 9 or earlier) or late (day 20 or more) and it can sometimes vary from season to season (though often a bitch will display a particular 'pattern' after the first few seasons - they can throw you a loop sometimes though!). Often external signs are not a true indicator of the actual time of ovulation and fertilisation. A lot of the reason natural matings can be successful even if the timing is not perfect is because the semen lasts so long in the body. Also the reason why Frozen AI has to be more exact - as the semen after freezing doesnt last as long, you have to be 'spot on' when you inseminate so it is there and still viable exactly when the egg is ready to be fertilised (thus often has to be done later than when a bitch would usually be mated naturally)

Edited by espinay2
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