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Should I? I Don't Know.

Guest Tess32

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Guest Tess32

I'm vaguely considering upgrading to a 7D or another lens, but I don't really know and I think it's mostly because I like buying new stuff.

To afford the 7D I'd have to sell my 50D and the 70-200 F4. That is the one I'm considering selling anyway because I never seem to use it at all but I'm not sure what lens I'd replace it with anyway!

I also have the 100-400mm which I'd never part with in a billion years, the Sigma 17-70 and the 50mm 1.4

I really am not sure I'd use the 7D upgrade but I'm so bored and want to change something, heh.

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If you have the cash, why not?

If it's just because you are bored with what you are doing re: photography - set yourself a challenge to learn something new or break out that 70-200 you say you never use and learn to use it.

Or get online and find a topic you may or may not have been interested before, watch some videos on the technique and do only that for the next week.

GAS is a seductive thing but sometimes just doing something completely different achieves better results.

I, too, keep thinking this is the year I add another body to my tool kit but nothing's really made me make the jump or enticed me so much I know I just have to have it...

on the other hand, shopping is fun :)

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Same, same. If you're happy to sell what you aren't using or what isn't working for you, then why not?

I've gotten to a point now that I have no gear lust so it's hard for me to not think first about just being bored and trying new things with what one already has. It's something I don't do enough and know that it's far more important to do that than to have a particular piece of kit.

I also think that if you truly want something, you won't be questioning it - you'll just do it coz it will feel right.

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Guest Tess32

I feel like I should have a use for the 70-200mm but I'm not sure I will. It's too short for the zoo (and pointless when I have the 100-400), and it's too long and not fast enough for inside.

But if I sold that and just got another lens I really don't know what to get as I haven't been lusting after anything in particular (remotely in my price range) since I got my 100-400.

I would like a better portrait/kid stuff lens but not sure what.

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You can alawys sell the 70-200 and sock the money away until you know. No law says you have to replace a sold lens ASAP.

I still think whap it on and force yourself to use it - you might be surprised. I have renewed appreciation for that zoom range after watching some of Bambi Cantrell's recent CreativeLive seminar and I'm going to force myself to play with it more during the next few weeks as I usually only use it for specific things/scenarios and I think I'm limiting myself by doing so.

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