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I don't know if it gives the dog "top dog status" but based on the link Secret Kei posted... the dog will think it owns all the territory it can roam freely over and may attack to defend it.



a lady in Kansas whose Rots killed a 9 year old boy. These were allowed to roam the neighborhood. They considered their territory circle of several blocks around their home. By the way, this women is now serving 11 years in prison. It's too bad that she will not spend more time there. She had no remorse.

You're in the ACT. ACT law says dogs are not allowed to roam the neighbourhood off lead.


maybe contact the people responsible for enforcing the ACT law.


Allowing dogs to roam - is dangerous to the dog, other dogs and people. It can cause car accidents, property damage and may be involved in dog attacks.

If one dog disagrees with another dog about who is top dog - then you have big dog fights. And if a small or weak dog decides it owns a larger territory than its own back yard - then that can lead to trouble because that dog could try but be unable to defend its "territory".

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At the moment a young woman with a baby and a toddler walks down the street every day with her off lead staffy which runs from one front garden to the next and chases any cats that have sought refuge in the bushes.


I really hate seeing this kind of thing. I regularly encounter a woman with a very energetic and completely out of control staffy (on lead) who yanked his way loose to get to my dog and just about toppled the pram over. Thankfully, he was friendly but all the same.... Not very smart..

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It's really not worth complaining about

That's fine until the Staffy kills something like a whole pen full of chooks.

I'd try to get the rego number off the collar or their address and report it before something really bad happens.

But I also got a gate for my yard to stop dogs from cruising in. I know a front fence is not common in the ACT. I might try sprinklers. You can get motion sensor ones. Not sure where but they exist.

I hate how people trying to do the right thing (me) get labelled trouble maker...

All whistle blowers must be shot not heard.

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Does the loose dog become the top dog?


And does this dog then consider the whole street to be his territory?

Stray dogs sometimes hold territory, but more often share it with other strays if they are about. Resources come into it. There are a number of good studies of stray domestic dogs which are worth searching for, one thing that might surprise you is the variance in reports of what stray dogs will do when it comes to social behaviours. Sometimes they form loose packs, other times they don't. Their range is quite variable too.

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Not a comment on the behaviour but just as a person... this is definitely something to complain about. If it is disturbing other animals on their own properties then that is wrong. And it is not legal for the dog to be loose. What happens if the dog decides to do more than chase/harrass a cat (one of my friends got to witness her cat be torn to shred on her doorstep by a dog that was allowed to walk loose in the street) and what if it then decids to do the same to people.

One of my massive bugbears is people who don't follow the leash laws, they make it worse for those of us that do. And not to mention I don't want their dog near me and definitely not near my dog. GGGGRRRRRR - it makes me grumpy!! :mad:mad:mad:mad

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I think the message from the loose dog to others is quite straightforward:

My owner isn't very responsible and I'll probably not be around too long because chances are I'll see something of interest on the other side of the road one day and end up under a car.

I've seen it happen. :(

I'd report it. You might save the dog's life.

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