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Animals Australia


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I thought I'd ask the DOL Brain Trust who is the force behind Animals Australia? I can vaguely remember signing a petition to stop the cruelty in Indonesian abattoirs on their site and clicking the 'receive our newsletter' button. The newsletter talks about their Campaign Director, Lyn White, giving talks about Australians uniting against animal cruelty.

My question is: does PETA have anything to do with Animals Australia?...if so I may consign the newsletter to the 'junk' bin

Edited by Boronia
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I have never heard of a link between AA and Peta but they do offer an umbrella service ??? (not sure if that is the right word) to other animal rights groups - these groups are considered their member societies. They work with the RSPCA as well - as they did with the Indo Cattle Issue. I also have never heard of them doing PETA like activities like breaking into farms etc. But Animal Liberation (re Linda Stoner) have done this in past years - but the footage I saw of the pig farms was totally disgusting.

From their web site member societies are:


+Animal Active!

+Australian Wildlife Protection Council Inc.

+Bendigo Animal Welfare and Community Services Inc.

+Blue Cross Animals

+Catholic Concern for Animals -

+Choose Cruelty

+Coalition Against Duck

+Coalition for the Protection of


+Halfway Home Animal Rescue Inc.

+Humane Research

+Humane Society for Animal

+Lawyers for

+Quest Equine Welfare Inc.


+South Gippsland Animal Aid Paws Galore

+Triple R Equine Welfare Inc.


+Victorian Advocates For

+Victorian Animal Aid

New South Wales

+Animal Liberation

+Cat Protection Society of

+CHEETA (Coffs Harbour & Environs for the Ethical Treatment of

+Hunter Animal

+Native Bird Liberation

+Working for Animals

+World League for Protection of Animals

South Australia


+Animal Liberation

+Anti-Vivisection Union of SA

+Vegetarian and Vegan Society SA Inc.



+Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania (AACT)

+Brightside Farm

Western Australia


+People and Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

+Stop Live Export



+Animal Liberation

Animal Welfare League of QLD

+The Vegetarian/Vegan Society of QLD Inc.

+Wildlife Protection Association of Australia

Aust Capital Territory


+Animal Liberation

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In the big scheme of things their ideas on dogs are better than many and the fact they don't have animal liberation Victoria or Oscars Law in their ranks is definitely something in their favour. I think we probably do need groups of this nature to draw attention to the things which aren't right but my questions are about how far they might want to push the truth or sensationalize things to prove their perspectives and until [at least] I know Id stay away.

I cant see any evidence of this except I remember some accusations of people being paid to beat up cattle or similar in the live export thing - because I believe others to be capable of this I find it not so hard to consider this is a possibility and even though they probably haven't done this anything that even has a slight wiff of animal rights I would back away from and treat with suspicion until I had better info. Once you have been bitten by a dog you don't walk the same way home to be bitten again.

I would find it easier to work with theses guys than many others but would still not join them or support them because of late based on the dishonesty and lack of any form of respect for the law or integrity which I have witnessed from other animal rights loonies Id rather not take the risk that I might in any way be associated with such lack of morality and ethics.

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