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Dogs And Food


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My daughters asked me this today, and I didn't really know the answer,, so thought I'd ask here. When we put food down for Heidi, she will not eat it until we walk away. She actually turns around to make sure we are walking away. She eats any scraps that fall off the kitchen bench in her direction quick smart,,, doesn't have a problem actually 'eating' in front of us as such, but when I serve her food in a food bowl, or put dry food outside the back door, she always waits until I've turned the corner before eating. We are just curious. And no, she isn't food aggressive or anything sinister. There has never been any growling or negative body language with food.

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All 3 of mine go to their respective feeding places as I prepare their dinner. Mishka, the dally, wolfs hers down. Cole goes to his crate and chews every mouthful 50 times and finishes last. Moss waits till I walk away and eats relatively slowly. If he has any large pieces he takes them outside to eat while I guard the rest of his meal from the crocodal.

ETA Moss is a very polite dog :laugh:

Edited by Janba
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Our two are funny, Mosley will just eat, doesn't care who's there or what's happening, Lili is a bit more fussy, she is more interested in following us around and being with us than eating half the time :rolleyes:

Our old Chi x (RIP) used to take a chunk out of his bowl to the next room, slowly eat it, then come back for more and do it all over again till he finished. :laugh:

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Mine eat as if they have never been fed before and are starving. Bree has eaten most of hers before the plate hits the ground. They used to carry on like loonies while I was getting their tea ready but I decided it was over the top and have stopped that. They now have to wait quietly in their crates, some nights that is more successful than others.

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My dogs will all stand in the kitchen with me while I am preparing their meals....They will then go to their individual eating area where I will then tell them to sit & then they get their dinner.

They will then wolf down their meals & then check each other dogs bowl to see if anyone has left anything....which never ever happens. :laugh:

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My four all wait (not so patiently) in the kitchen while I fix dinner. When dinner 'arrives':

Rocky inhales

Reggie chews (unless its completely raw, then he's like a vacuum)

Tess eats fairly normal, considering she has a shih tzu like mouth

and sadie..... well she HAS to have a belly rub first. Or she WILL NOT EAT. Went away on holiday once and forgot to tell the houseminder to give her a belly rub so she'll eat. Sadie didnt eat for 3days.... silly dog!

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Guest Clover

The pup launches herself into her crate, spins around and sits (took her 2 days to figure this one out :eek: ). She tends to inhale her food.

Harri launches into his crate and eats before i even get his bowl down (hence the go slow bowl). He is a pig and inhales with out chewing most of the time.

Tinny and Elvie are just normal they wait fairly patiently then sit waiting for their food to be put down, neither are crated to eat.

Clover would act like being fed was the best thing ever, she would bounce and bark and toss her bowl in the air. I miss her food time antics :laugh:.

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I've never seen my Pug eat - the second the bowl hits the floor, it's empty.

Okay, seriously though. She inhales her food so fast that I can put the bowl down and walk back to the kitchen, and she can beat me back to the kitchen, having already finished.

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Ziggy is happy to eat a bit, play a bit, come back and eat some more.. He waits patiently for dinner to be prepared and he doesn't guts food down. He seems to prefer to take his time.. He thinks everyone should share food because he is happy to share.. It has gotten him into trouble with some of our fosters who are none to happy about sharing...

The foster pup we have here, 5 month old ridgie cross?? Is a total guts and scoffs it down as fast as she can. She then goes for Zigs dinner which he is happy to share...

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Both my dogs wait in the kitchen whilst their food is getting prepared. As soon as I say 'Dinner Time' Rumour runs to her crate and waits and Diesel spins, jumps and then runs outside to wait.

Rumour gets her meal first. I put it in her crate she sniffs everything (making sure I haven't hidden anything she doesn't like in it). Then she sits and waits. I take Diesel's food out to him where he is doing his happy dance, he gets put in a stay then I release him to his food it's generally gone before I'm back inside.

I go back to the lounge room (where Rumour is in her crate), sit down and then she'll begin to eat. She likes to wait till everyone is sitting down before she eats. I like to think she has good manners :)

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Guest donatella

Our two are funny, Mosley will just eat, doesn't care who's there or what's happening, Lili is a bit more fussy, she is more interested in following us around and being with us than eating half the time :rolleyes:

Our old Chi x (RIP) used to take a chunk out of his bowl to the next room, slowly eat it, then come back for more and do it all over again till he finished. :laugh:

My recent foster Chi did the exact same thing haha

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Our two are funny, Mosley will just eat, doesn't care who's there or what's happening, Lili is a bit more fussy, she is more interested in following us around and being with us than eating half the time :rolleyes:

Our old Chi x (RIP) used to take a chunk out of his bowl to the next room, slowly eat it, then come back for more and do it all over again till he finished. :laugh:

My recent foster Chi did the exact same thing haha

How adorable is it?! Messy though :laugh:

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Arby sits and waits while it's made (ok, sometimes he does a little "im hungry" dance!). Then he sits and waits until he looks us in the eyes and is told OK!. Then he shovels it down. Unless it's bones, then he takes them into his kennel to eat (and always had since his first one). Im not sure why bones need to be eaten in the kennel, but apparently they do!

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I must have the only dog that does the opposite. Ziva was hand fed by us as a puppy as part of her training, and is used to taking food from the hand. So she won't just eat food unless she's working for it :laugh:

She also won't eat out of our sight. I can leave her a bone when I'm at the office for 10hrs on a particular day. She'll hide it somewhere until I come home and will only eat it in front of me. Is this strange?

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I must have the only dog that does the opposite. Ziva was hand fed by us as a puppy as part of her training, and is used to taking food from the hand. So she won't just eat food unless she's working for it :laugh:

She also won't eat out of our sight. I can leave her a bone when I'm at the office for 10hrs on a particular day. She'll hide it somewhere until I come home and will only eat it in front of me. Is this strange?

Curious about this, how would she manage if you had leave her in a boarding kennel or in hospital at the Vets?

Edited by Crisovar
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Guest donatella

Our two are funny, Mosley will just eat, doesn't care who's there or what's happening, Lili is a bit more fussy, she is more interested in following us around and being with us than eating half the time :rolleyes:

Our old Chi x (RIP) used to take a chunk out of his bowl to the next room, slowly eat it, then come back for more and do it all over again till he finished. :laugh:

My recent foster Chi did the exact same thing haha

How adorable is it?! Messy though :laugh:

At least they burnt their calories off from dinner as they were eating it ;)

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Here my dogs eat there own food then go check out everybody elses bowl to see if they left anything. Shelley will sit and lick each bowl for a few minutes, She acts like she hasn't been feed in days lol. Rascal my chihuahua fills up on dog poo which is gross.

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I must have the only dog that does the opposite. Ziva was hand fed by us as a puppy as part of her training, and is used to taking food from the hand. So she won't just eat food unless she's working for it :laugh:

She also won't eat out of our sight. I can leave her a bone when I'm at the office for 10hrs on a particular day. She'll hide it somewhere until I come home and will only eat it in front of me. Is this strange?

Curious about this, how would she manage if you had leave her in a boarding kennel or in hospital at the Vets?

I'm not sure. She'll be going to a boarding kennel when we go on a month's holiday later in the year. I figure she'll get hungry enough and get used to a new way of feeding :laugh: She is happy staying with friends or people she's met before - so hopefully it doesn't cause too much of a problem. We've got an appointment to meet the lady that runs the kennel so that it doesn't create too much of a shock.

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