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What Do Pet Behaviorists Do?

Guest donatella

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Playpen is a good idea, the only thing that worries me is her trying to jump it and believe me for little legs she gets height now.

Have a look at these, they are roofed pens. http://shop.vebopet.com.au/store/120x120x100-pet-dog-exercise-pen-run-kennel-enclosure.html

Good quality and very secure. I have one for my Mali.

Eta it's not as easy as giving her something to chew, she has every dog chew toy known, my lounge, dining and courtyard look like a kid lives here with all the toys strewn through it. She has the option to sleep with me and I leave my door open for her but she prefers to sleep on the tiles in the dining room

Well it is, you just don't give her a choice.

A dog confined to a pen with a bone has one choice - bone or nothing. A dog free to roam the house has lots of choices, including your couch.

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Guest donatella

Barking was never really an issue, that's only when we're outside she barks at everything but that's a pom trait too. At home she's not a barker at all, thank the lord!

The gate will stop her chewing as she can't get to anything on the tiled side, she'll get lounge room privileges when we sit in there.

Will see how this goes, want to start her at obedience next month, if no improvements then I'll get the lady in :)

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Guest donatella

I read that article and went oooop, I think I have a little dog who thinks she's the pack leader. She's constantly nudging us with toys, ignoring her when she does that is going to be hard when she gives ne those eyes :( she puts the ball at our feet and then walks back a few paces waiting for us to kick it, it's so cute, but I'm supposed to ignore that for the first bit, poor darlin

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I read that article and went oooop, I think I have a little dog who thinks she's the pack leader. She's constantly nudging us with toys, ignoring her when she does that is going to be hard when she gives ne those eyes :( she puts the ball at our feet and then walks back a few paces waiting for us to kick it, it's so cute, but I'm supposed to ignore that for the first bit, poor darlin

I wouldn't say it means she thinks she is the 'pack leader' per se, but she thinks she controls all the resources and she has learnt what works to get what she wants.

I don't feel bad for my dogs when I implement new rules, because I don't enjoy living with dogs like that. I have a dog who is VERY pushy and unpleasant to live with unless I manage her appropriately.

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Guest donatella

I actually don't mind the toy thing, it's actually really cute, the way she places it at your feet and steps back and gets down low, you can see how happy it makes her.

BUT if I install new rules I need to adhere to them everywhere and that means not playing when it suits her but playing when it suits me, I get that.

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I actually don't mind the toy thing, it's actually really cute, the way she places it at your feet and steps back and gets down low, you can see how happy it makes her.

BUT if I install new rules I need to adhere to them everywhere and that means not playing when it suits her but playing when it suits me, I get that.

There are some things Daisy does that don't particularly bother me but I know if I let her do it it's contributing to her overall behaviour. She has definitely made me tougher :laugh:

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Guest donatella

I actually don't mind the toy thing, it's actually really cute, the way she places it at your feet and steps back and gets down low, you can see how happy it makes her.

BUT if I install new rules I need to adhere to them everywhere and that means not playing when it suits her but playing when it suits me, I get that.

I have the same problem with Justice. It kills me how cute it is that he grabs my hand with his paw and pulls it to his belly for belly rubs and it's so hard pulling my hand away and ignoring him when he does it.

I know, I walked past her today when she set her ball up and she just looked at me like whaaaaat. But I'll stick to it :)

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poor darlin

;) I bet most Mums don't say that about their juvenile delinquent kids!

You have a million opportunities to play with her, and love her, and cuddle her ..just now ON YOUR TERMS ...not hers.

She is not the one who makes the decisions..all things in the house are YOURS ..and she does not get to decide what is to be chewed or sat upon, or eaten ;)

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