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My First Competition Entries


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I've decided to enter some of my photos in a local country show. This will be the first time I've ever done anything like this, and it's not easy trying to pick photos to enter...

I selected the following 8 photos to enter in 4 sections (2 per section max limit) - and they have been printed at 6x8 (the point and shoot camera shots) and 6x9 (the DSLR shots), then mounted on stiff black cardboard. They look pretty good in the flesh IMHO... *grin*

Study of an Historical Building in colour



Study of animal/s - not domestic - in colour



Study of animal/s - domestic pets or farm animals in colour



Any other subject in colour



Entries to be delivered to the show on March 20 for judging on 22 March - and the show is on 23/24 March.

Wish me luck...


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The Lizard was most obliging when I saw him and was snapping away - must have about 35 photos of him posing away...

... and the Tiger was shot through glass - lucky lighting there...

None of the photos have had any correction either - that's how they all came out... all luck methinks... *grin*

Only 3 of the above photos were taken with my Canon 450D - the other 5 were taken with my Canon S5 point and shoot. Can you pick the SLR ones?


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I paid my entry fees today...

The only photo competition I've ever entered was a fun one at work once... and I won 2nd prize - a bottle of wine... and I don't drink!

This will be on display for the public to see... aarrgghh!


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I've never entered a formal photo comp of any description before... I look at my photos as "happy snaps" mostly, and some are nice more due to luck than good management.

Some friends keep telling me that I seem to manage to get more decent photos than bad ones, so it will be nice to see if complete strangers think the same... *grin*


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No placings for any of my photos - but I must say there were plenty of completely awesome photos there, and the ones that did place were stunning... there are some amazingly talented people out there!

The upside for me was that at least my photos didn't look out of place amongst the other entries... *grin*

... and there's always next year... I got me a few ideas from looking at all of the other entries, and will be out snapping away to try and get me something super special for next year's entry...


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Hehe... I KNOW my photos were good... but there were definitely many there that would completely knock yer socks off. It actually felt really good seeing some of my photos looking "in place" amongst them all...

Anyways - I consoled myself by getting a cuppa and sitting down with my camera in front of the showjumping ring... and got me a few very nice pics there... *grin*


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