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Ziggy's Training -not Responding To Me


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Yay! I'm glad to hear that things went well. Heike is extremely generous with her time. I remember when she came out to visit Elbie, she was only supposed to be here for an hour or so and ended up staying much, much longer and wouldn't even agree to take the extra money we offered - telling us to donate it to a rescue instead.

We also went to her training group for a term with Elbie and she used to spend ages talking with us after each class. She really does care about the dogs. I also found her classes much more practical than obedience classes at a dog club tend to be. You have to develop a thick skin though - I bore the brunt of her criticism :rofl: OH thought it was hilarious :mad

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Yay! I'm glad to hear that things went well. Heike is extremely generous with her time. I remember when she came out to visit Elbie, she was only supposed to be here for an hour or so and ended up staying much, much longer and wouldn't even agree to take the extra money we offered - telling us to donate it to a rescue instead.

We also went to her training group for a term with Elbie and she used to spend ages talking with us after each class. She really does care about the dogs. I also found her classes much more practical than obedience classes at a dog club tend to be. You have to develop a thick skin though - I bore the brunt of her criticism :rofl: OH thought it was hilarious :mad

Yep, she was very 'firm' on the fact that it was more me than him... It was my techniques and I did not follow through enough..

Ziggy was talking back when I asked him to do things and I thought it was 'cute' so never put him in his place over it - this was the first thing we addressed this morning.

Then the recall - it was just amazing to see him doing so well.

I thought it was me, that he had lost interest in me/toys/treats - it wasn't the case at all.

She had me call him and turn to walk away (not towards him). When I did this, he run after me and was beside me in no time - when he thought I was leaving him... She said I was his main resource, not the treats or the toys (she tried different things and each time it was me he looked to or wanted to come to)...

When I was walking towards him and telling him to come - he did nothing but continue to harass her dog the way he does with Lando (the kissing in your face thing).. I now know how to deal with that and until he learns it is not acceptable, he won't be getting any dog on dog time in the park - it will just be us going for a run to burn some energy off a couple of times a week when the park is empty.

She did seem to really like him to, which helps..

Thanks Pers - I am glad I did it and will be doing more of it (I kept putting it off because of funding but in reality, he is more important to me than the other things I could spend the funds on)...

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Excellent news Staffyluv...

Ziggy was talking back when I asked him to do things and I thought it was 'cute' so never put him in his place over it - this was the first thing we addressed this morning.

Gawd - oops - guilty. My dog has always been very chatty and she's figured out I will think it's cute (reward her) if she's not too loud and makes lots of different talky talk noises - roo rooo rowl roo... Erm. oops.

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Excellent news Staffyluv...

Ziggy was talking back when I asked him to do things and I thought it was 'cute' so never put him in his place over it - this was the first thing we addressed this morning.

Gawd - oops - guilty. My dog has always been very chatty and she's figured out I will think it's cute (reward her) if she's not too loud and makes lots of different talky talk noises - roo rooo rowl roo... Erm. oops.

I was doing the same thing..

He also sleeps on my bed, which the trainer was not overly impressed with but I am not kicking him off the bed. He sleeps down the bottom and is not a bed hog (yet).. My old stafford was a terrible bed hog.

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I've shared a room with my brother's staffy. She was a terrible farter... Not fun.

I think my dog would like to share my bed but unfortunately I don't sleep still and she is the one that falls out when she pushes me.

My old stafford could clear a room in minutes - he was terrible (it has been mentioned many times that farting really should be in the breed standard)..

Ziggy is really good so far, he tends to move if I move and he is in my way - I hope he stays that way

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Boof head went so well all week that I thought I would try him at the dog park in the early hours of the morning.

So off we went (Ziggy, Pippa and myself)... Pippa is great and only a puppy at about 6 months old now so comes when called because she always gets a treat...

There was a large Dobe and another staffy in the big dog park, so we went into the little dog section (as there was no one there)...

It was a good test and he is still not ready to go back to the dog park and play... So we will keep going at home with the current training and I will try him again next weekend if he continues to make progress..

He came back about 50% of the time, so much better than before but still a long way to go.

He started fence running with the big Dobe, so I leashed him and bought him home...

The run did him good and I am going to make the effort to get him up there and practice at a time when there is little chance of other dogs being there... So very early and later in the afternoon...

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I find at our local dog parks - there is a quiet period between when the people who walk their dogs before work - finish and when people who walk their dogs after everyone else has left for work or school (ie dropped the kids off etc) start. usually around 7:30am to 8am give or take - at our local park - which is about 30 minutes drive/bus in the mornings from where most people work.

And there is another quiet period around dinner time for most people. After dark is bad - because that's when most of the people who don't pick up after their dogs, and dogs that have aggression problems with other dogs, show up.

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I find at our local dog parks - there is a quiet period between when the people who walk their dogs before work - finish and when people who walk their dogs after everyone else has left for work or school (ie dropped the kids off etc) start. usually around 7:30am to 8am give or take - at our local park - which is about 30 minutes drive/bus in the mornings from where most people work.

And there is another quiet period around dinner time for most people. After dark is bad - because that's when most of the people who don't pick up after their dogs, and dogs that have aggression problems with other dogs, show up.

Thanks for that info.

I will try about dinner time and see how we go.

I don't mind one or two dogs there as we can go into a different section. It is also a good test with the distraction of the other dogs.

I have been bringing Pippa (foster pup) out as a distraction but he is fine with her around and she does not distract him enough. Other, new doggie friends are a much better test. when he starts acting up and I put a leash on him, cut his park time off and bring him home.

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Before we started this new training Ziggy would let other dogs push in and get to me first and he would wait back for a pat until I went to him.

For the last few days he is pushing past the other dog and coming to me first. He doesn't stop the other dog coming in for a pat but he will put himself between us. He never did this before. The other dog has always done it but now he is moving in between us.

Is this a good thing? It means he values me?

Or is this to be discouraged?

I thought because we were focusing on his and my relationship and me being a resource that this would be good... As the trainer wants him to want to be with me and focus on me.. Or have I misinterpreted what she wants...

There is no issue between the dogs that I can see, they still play, eat and sleep together with no issues...

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he is pushing past the other dog and coming to me first. He doesn't stop the other dog coming in for a pat but he will put himself between us

My dog has started doing this too. Lucky I've got two hands and can pat two dogs at once. It's good and bad in my opinion. She has also started getting a little bit protective of me as well. So as long as the other dog is polite, it's all good but if the other dog starts acting like he has rights over me ahead of her, there's trouble. Like she scolds him and tells him off. I'm stuffed if I know why this works when dogs do it to each other but not when I do it...

We've had a couple of problems because of this but I deal with it the same as treat handouts, nobody gets anything until they settle down. Although I have been known to do stupid things like grab the dog that is telling my dog he owns me by the collar to stop him going after her. And been nipped in the process by the dog I grabbed. But I'd still take that risk and stop it from grabbing and hurting my dog. Ie fewer dogs are human aggressive than dog aggressive and you can get much more attention from council with a human aggressive dog than with one that just bites other dogs. That's been my experience anyway.

Ie being push from my dog is ok but there are limits. Ie it's not ok by me for her to be scolding other dogs whether they deserve it or not - that's my job.

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Is this a good thing? It means he values me?

Or is this to be discouraged?

My opinion is that I should be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it (around my dog/s, I mean). So when I choose which dog I want to pay attention to, that's my choice and I expect other dog to defer to my choice. I tend to use my body to block the dog trying to 'cut in'. (Eg. not letting the dog come between us and me turning my back on the dog trying to cut in. I basically otherwise ignore the dog that is trying to cut in.) When that dog 'yields'(for want of better words) and defers to my choice, then I turn my attentions to him/her. I would randomise the order the attention is given at though.

Edited by Erny
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I do change who I give affection to at different times. He is happy for her to sit on my lap and have cuddles and pats but if she is being pushy when he is getting cuddles and pats, that is when he moves more in front of her and blocks her (she always tries to block

It is not pushing so much as you can just tell he wants to be with me but he is happy for the pup to be there to...

Lucky I have two hands and can pat both...

Pippa always pushed in and is quite demanding about being the one to get pats and Ziggy just waited his turn. But now he does not wait, he comes in just as firm as she does.. There is no issue between them that I can see, they are both still fine being there and patted at the same time... Ziggy is really quite polite. Even the trainer commented on how lovely it was to see that he waits for everyone else to go through doors, waits to be asked onto the lounge, waits to be asked to get in the car and he even waits when his food is put down u til he gets the OK to eat it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We are doing up the backyard and have taken down the metal fence between us and the back neighbours.

They have a very barky border collie... So I bought I would test Ziggy using their dog (visible thought the paling fence) as a distraction and the whole time his focus was on me...

He came when called, he sat, stayed and then recalled from one side of the yard to the other, all with this other dog and Pippa saying hello and running up and down the fence with each other...

I really want to tst him at the park but don't want to undo what I have done...

Last time I got eager and took him back to the park as a test, we were only there for about 15 minutes because he slipped back to his old behaviour of not coming and trying to get at the other dogs.. He only wants to play but it is not the point and I realise this that is why we have not been back...

I might call the trainer and have another session to see what she thinks...

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Hi staffyluv

That looks great with your dog paying you attention when her friend is trying so hard to distract her. You are right though, that success is not the same as at the dog park, so you need a plan where you can train and test your training - with a reasonable chance of success. Usually the easiest way is to be further away, test on lead and if that's going well - test once off lead and then if successful, praise and put her back on lead while you're ahead, and play some games on lead - so it's not a bad thing.

Hopefully the trainer can give you a plan for transition back to the real world.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just had a week away and have to admit that I honestly thought Ziggy would have been a bit of a bugger to train when I came home.

What an awesome surprise I have had yesterday and today... He is so excited to train... And he did everything I asked every time..

His recall at one is really good and I really want to try him at the park again... More so for his socialization because Pippa left us over a week ago and he really seems to miss dog company..

I need a bit of a break for fostering and I really want to improve on my training skills and his training with this time away from fostering...

I have called and left a message with the local dog club about 4 times now and they never return my calls... Unless I try one of the Canberra training groups as Queanbeyan won't respond.

I think we are ready to join a group to train, instead of on our own and I know that he needs more than I know...

I just can't say how impressed I was with him even today at our 3 smaller sessions.. He was more focused than I have ever seen him...

Mind you the he would have only had the odd game of fetch while I was away.

We do sits, downs, stays, fetch, back up etc..

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I have just had a week away and have to admit that I honestly thought Ziggy would have been a bit of a bugger to train when I came home.

What an awesome surprise I have had yesterday and today... He is so excited to train... And he did everything I asked every time..

His recall at one is really good and I really want to try him at the park again... More so for his socialization because Pippa left us over a week ago and he really seems to miss dog company..

I need a bit of a break for fostering and I really want to improve on my training skills and his training with this time away from fostering...

I have called and left a message with the local dog club about 4 times now and they never return my calls... Unless I try one of the Canberra training groups as Queanbeyan won't respond.

I think we are ready to join a group to train, instead of on our own and I know that he needs more than I know...

I just can't say how impressed I was with him even today at our 3 smaller sessions.. He was more focused than I have ever seen him...

Mind you the he would have only had the odd game of fetch while I was away.

We do sits, downs, stays, fetch, back up etc..

That sounds really positive; we often say that a break can be really good for a dog's enthusiasm for work. My suggestion would be to contact the club just before or after their training times, that's when you are most likely to get someone in the office! If you're still struggling, let me know, and I'll track down someone at the club via my club.

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Thanks Cleo, I will try to call then. They only have a mobile phone number on the website... I am thinking it might be better to find a club in the ACT...

Well it seems to be two steps forward and one step back.

He went so well yesterday that I thought I would brave the dog park scenario again... Bad move...

We did some training and went for a walk to remove some of the excited energy, or so I thought.

He was pretty good when we first arrived but it took all of about 5 minutes for him to start ignoring me and getting into the other dogs face, so I leashed him and we left... I wonder if he will ever get that what he is doing is wrong?

He is a submissive bully... He submits to all other digs if they have a go, no matter what size or gender.

But then he seeks out the oldest, or least confident dog and does this thing where he gets right in their face, licking their chin. If the other dog tells him off, he goes it will come back again after a bit of a run around...

I don't let it get to this stage, I leash him the first time he does it and we leave...

I would love for him to be able to play with other dogs but he always singles out these particular dogs if they are there and they should not have to put up with it...

I don't know what else to do.. I seem to have his attention at home but can't get it when we are out and there are other distractions...

Do I just take him out for a few minutes and when he ignores me then take him home and then try again the next day?

I haven't had a chance to see the trainer again but I think I need more help because I am obviously not doing something right...

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