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Hey all,

Are there and DOLers around the riverina region?

I know with the current floods not much is possible but perhaps anything in the near future.

I have a male Bernese Mountain Dog and i'd love for him to have a play with some other dogs. :)

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Digby is four years old, not really sure what is in him, maybe some mastiff, he is pretty big boy. We adopted him when he was 2.5 years old. He has played with a Bernese before and he really liked her. He does a lot of growling when he plays, which does freak some people out :laugh: but he doesn't play very often. He's often more comfortable hanging out than playing.

Delta is 3 years old, acts like she's about 9 months old :p She is a rescue also, we adopted her when she was 15 months old. We are always working on self-control with her it's an ongoing project :laugh:. She's very sweet though :) and just adores everybody.

In a nutshell, Digby and Delta are complete opposites.

I love the name Bruno :D

What's he like? I was thinking if you would like to meet up sometime that the dog park where Kyeamba Training is would be a good place to go. I would just bring along either Digby or Delta (not both).

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Bruno is actually my boyfriends family pet but since moving in has become my best buddy and as far as my "father in law" is concerned when we move out he has to go with us, haha. Bruno's a character i feel, no brains... At all. He's a simple puppy and is friendly with everyone he's met. He can be a little bossy with other dogs but once they've told him off he backs off. He's amazing with puppies, extremely tolerant but i've found that with all bernese i've met really. I haven't been to where kyemba does their training, but on a side note i am trying to get him into agility and obedience but beginner classes are full at the moment.

I'd be glad to meet up with you and one of your puppies :)

Do you know when you'll be free? :)

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What time? I usually never do anything on sunday anyway though.

I'll fore warn you, haha Bruno had a slight haircut last Sunday.... I know, i know its coming into winter but we only just got the clippers from his breeder after asking all summer so i figured he's still got enough hair anyway. Haha

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Here is a map of san isidore, The training club is on the green patch on Benedict Ave.


so yeah it's pretty simple, coming from the highway, turn left and then take the second right :)

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