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Lightroom 4 Is Here!


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After a pretty short Beta, the official version of Lightroom 4 is launching. YOu can download it here

Looks like lots of neat things - not least of which is the full price is going to be about $149 ($79 for the upgrade)!! For anyone who has already purchased LR3 in the past 30 days, Adobe will upgrade you to 4 - just let them know :)

Looking forward to playing with this version as I'm hearing good things from Beta testers and it now has a bit of video support which is just a nice extra :thumbsup:

Edited by kja
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I downloaded the trial and will pay for it once I get around to it. Only had a ten minute play so far but wow, it's sweet! Love that you can work from the top slider down now since they've totally redone the way the exposure, brightness etc work on the image - my workflow was fine, but this is even better tho it will probably take a little time to get my brain to remember to do it the new way!

I wouldn't be worried about bugs in this new version as they've dealt with about 800 since the beta was first launched and pretty much any buggies they'll find now will be those odd things that most users will never notice anyway :)

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  • 2 months later...

Lightroom 4.1 is out now and I've only just installed it for a quick play. Already I like it even better than LR4.

I had no problems with LR4 but this just seems more responsive and even more accurate when transferring files from an old catalog.

I vote -> get 4.1, it's ready and you won't regret it :)

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LOL typical! I downloaded LR 4 for the 30 day trial and liked it, so bought it last week.... but missed the Fed Ex guy on Friday (which was the same day my trial ended... D'OH).... so now there is a 4.1 :( Does that mean I can upgrade to that one??

Oh and cost is $208 for us in Australia! (If you get it sent to you, add another $25)

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4.1 is just a version update. You go to adobe.com and click the button, install it and open it - all good to go. No more payment etc needed ;)

Why did you have it sent instead of just downloading it? I haven't had a disk since LR1 LOL

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