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No metatr waht, you cna't pseale all the polepe all the tmie. But if you keep all the lrettes of wrdos the smae, mess tehm up, keep the frsit and lsat the smae, its all radelabe!

I tnihk :laugh:

Que? :laugh:

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No metatr waht, you cna't pseale all the polepe all the tmie. But if you keep all the lrettes of wrdos the smae, mess tehm up, keep the frsit and lsat the smae, its all radelabe!

I tnihk :laugh:

Que? :laugh:

That's hilarious :rofl:

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7H3 HUM4N BR41N 15 4N 1NCR3D1BL3 7H1NG - 17'5 4M4Z1NG WH47 W3 C4N UND3R574ND 1F W3 7RY H4RD 3N0UGH! :thumbsup:

I agree

apartently oru barin fxies ti all pu adn fisl ni teh balkns nad nujmubels ti. !! :D

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On another side note my OH is dyslexic and while I try not to laugh sometimes he cracks me up with his misuse of words.

eg. Telling me about someone who is quite well off and uses effluent instead of affluent.

Telling me about his elderly grandmother who instead of being sedentary is sedimetary.

And when I'm forgetful I'm getting 'oldtimers' instead of alzheimers. ;)

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7H3 HUM4N BR41N 15 4N 1NCR3D1BL3 7H1NG - 17'5 4M4Z1NG WH47 W3 C4N UND3R574ND 1F W3 7RY H4RD 3N0UGH! :thumbsup:

I agree

apartently oru barin fxies ti all pu adn fisl ni teh balkns nad nujmubels ti. !! :D

Unless you have a typo!! shouldn't that be flisl? ;)

eg. Telling me about someone who is quite well off and uses effluent instead of affluent.

I've always loved this one! Have heard a few people mistakenly use it - cracks me up every time. :laugh:

A lot of people think it's 'oldtimer's disease'. I did when I was a kid too. The curse of the aussie accent and people who don't enunciate clearly.

instead of being sedentary is sedimetary.

His Grandma rocks!! :)

:rofl: Go Persephone! You're sharp today!

Edit to add the oldtimers bit

Edited by hortfurball
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7H3 HUM4N BR41N 15 4N 1NCR3D1BL3 7H1NG - 17'5 4M4Z1NG WH47 W3 C4N UND3R574ND 1F W3 7RY H4RD 3N0UGH! :thumbsup:

17'5 =LY 4M4Z1NG WH47 W3 C4N MIZUND3R574ND 1F W3 DONOT 7RY.

DOL has a little of everything . . . people who shoot first and ask questions later, people who have trouble putting a paragraph together, people who express themselves well but can't spell, trolls, gospel-touters, skeptics, comics, people who are too serious, people who are a bit saccharine, people who are on the dry side, the occasional wacko. Not so different from the world in general.

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Maybe the percentages are not exactly accurate in relation to how everything comes across but I agree that face to face is so much better.

I do sometimes wonder if people actually recall what they read when I see some of the replies that miss a very relevant point in the original post. Also when things turn to anger over some misconstrued statement or the opposite when people think something is ok but looking back over the info it clearly is not.

People can also get stuck on one point & forget all the rest. Headline example

30% of all crime is committed by black youths.

Amazingly many people did not even think about the fact that it means 70% were committed by white youths.

Some people can't express well in writing. I always get so much out of body language & facial expressions. Often people on the internet are so different when you actually meet them. It sure can go haywire & wild on forums sometimes.

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Out of a face to face conversation with someone we take 100% meaning.

7% of this comes from the words the person uses.

38% comes from tone.

55% comes from body language.

Take away voice and body language and we are left with 7% of the intended meaning. Sound familiar?

I don't agree with those percentages at all. I trust no one to mean what they say, and say what they really mean. all I can do is perceive meaning which probable has a 50/50 hit or miss in truth . I find my percentages around 80% of my day to day encounters have a degree or % of manipulation involved no matter the mildness, from check out line to Itranet banter.

Edited by GeckoTree
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Maybe the percentages are not exactly accurate in relation to how everything comes across but I agree that face to face is so much better.

I do sometimes wonder if people actually recall what they read when I see some of the replies that miss a very relevant point in the original post. Also when things turn to anger over some misconstrued statement or the opposite when people think something is ok but looking back over the info it clearly is not.

People can also get stuck on one point & forget all the rest. Headline example

30% of all crime is committed by black youths.

Amazingly many people did not even think about the fact that it means 70% were committed by white youths.

Some people can't express well in writing. I always get so much out of body language & facial expressions. Often people on the internet are so different when you actually meet them. It sure can go haywire & wild on forums sometimes.

When threads run beyond 20 pages, they often wander away from the OT and bring in some emotional exchanges. So?

As in much face-to-face communication, a lot on DOL is not true dialogue, but response to triggers. If someone says something that pushes your buttons, you respond to that statement. Deep listening is pretty rare in any format.

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Maybe the percentages are not exactly accurate in relation to how everything comes across but I agree that face to face is so much better.

I do sometimes wonder if people actually recall what they read when I see some of the replies that miss a very relevant point in the original post. Also when things turn to anger over some misconstrued statement or the opposite when people think something is ok but looking back over the info it clearly is not.

People can also get stuck on one point & forget all the rest. Headline example

30% of all crime is committed by black youths.

Amazingly many people did not even think about the fact that it means 70% were committed by white youths.

Some people can't express well in writing. I always get so much out of body language & facial expressions. Often people on the internet are so different when you actually meet them. It sure can go haywire & wild on forums sometimes.

When threads run beyond 20 pages, they often wander away from the OT and bring in some emotional exchanges. So?

As in much face-to-face communication, a lot on DOL is not true dialogue, but response to triggers. If someone says something that pushes your buttons, you respond to that statement. Deep listening is pretty rare in any format.

And even in face to face conversation we rarely get to finish what we are saying entirely, often losing some of the original intended meaning, before someone interjects or we get sidetracked and distracted and run off in another direction because conversations face to face can evolve quite rapidly.

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pretty true hence chineese whispers is a funny game and not such a funny game when in real life.

at work you get one bloke telling the boss he has no licence and cannot drive the work cars due to insurance reasons, but either he lied or is driving unlicensed on the real road... so which is worse... you tell the boss bloke is a liar... and yet you would be the one spreading a rumor... even if you saw with your own eyes.

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