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Dogs Qld Caboolture Meeting 7pm Tues 6th March On Constitutional Refor


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A message for all Dogs Qld Members

Caboolture KC is hosting a consultation meeting to discuss the proposed constitution on Tuesday 6th March at 7pm at the Gamgee Room (the two storey building) at the Caboolture Showgrounds.

The meeting is an opportunity for everyone in DQ to come along and have their say about the proposed Constitution and to ask questions or query anything (and everything). Several Councillors including Ulla Greenwood (The President) will be in attendance.

This meeting provides us all with the chance to voice our opinion so please come along and ensure that DQ has the constitution we want. Meetings such as this have been held from Cairns south, and have provided lots of feedback already, so our local Sunshine Coast and MBRC area members now have their chance to speak up.

Meeting will start at 7pm and supper will be provided.

If you are thinking of attending it would be great if you could email me on [email protected] so we have some idea for catering, but if it is a spur of the moment decision, we will still be happy to see you there.

Any queries on the meeting, please contact me.


Nadia Attridge

Edited by Classicyds
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