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Officer Shoots Dog.


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Should he have waited for an all out brawl before shooting? Could land up shooting the innocent dog then, or even a person. Sime fact is most strays don't get shot, so protocols seem to beacon place

If an all out brawl was going to take place then I think it would have already happened. I'm not sure I understand what else it is that you are trying to say.

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I'm in agreement with the essence of Blackdogs' posts. Based on the contents of the video footage, the dogs' behaviour did not to me suggest that of high aggression and apart from the concern as to whether the little Beagle was harmed, I got no sense of imminent danger or major threat. In fact, the feeling I came away with was one of over dramatisation and lack of any form of attempt by anyone to call the dogs to them (or better still, away). That, and a feeling of repulse.

And just because opinions might have it that the Officer shot poorly or unnecessarily, it does not go to follow that the whole of the or any police force is therefore tarred with the same brush. I have a high respect for our Police Force, although I can't comment on the force where this video footage was taken (and can't bring myself to replay it just to check). I resent any assertion that a criticism in this respect must be equated as a criticism to all police officers.

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I'm in agreement with the essence of Blackdogs' posts. Based on the contents of the video footage, the dogs' behaviour did not to me suggest that of high aggression and apart from the concern as to whether the little Beagle was harmed, I got no sense of imminent danger or major threat. In fact, the feeling I came away with was one of over dramatisation and lack of any form of attempt by anyone to call the dogs to them (or better still, away). That, and a feeling of repulse.

And just because opinions might have it that the Officer shot poorly or unnecessarily, it does not go to follow that the whole of the or any police force is therefore tarred with the same brush. I have a high respect for our Police Force, although I can't comment on the force where this video footage was taken (and can't bring myself to replay it just to check). I resent any assertion that a criticism in this respect must be equated as a criticism to all police officers.

The 'attack on police' fallacy we have here strikes me as a bit of a straw man defence. Suggesting things could have been handled differently had the officer altered his approach/not been swayed by media bias/been educated as to canine behaviour/etc, does not suggest an attack on Police Officers in general.

Repulse is my general feeling as well. The dogs were being dogs; their behaviour did in no way warrant instant death.

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I was contemplating on whether or not to watch it... curiosity got the better of me and I did.

Yes It is distressing, but not for the two strays, only for the Beagle who is clearly and rightly terrified, and who knows how long this played out for? Video does not play in one piece- so it could have been long and drawn out.

For those who have yet to watch, you don't get to see much- as a tree ends up blocking the view- which is good (at least for me).

I don't like the behaviour of the brindle dog at all...that posture is downright scary- (when my GSD pup was attacked, it started in similar way)- I thought that we were going to end up seeing a dead Beagle (which btw was tied to it's kennel).

It looks as though someone is trying to get one of the strays with a catching pole, but can't quite get it-

I don't think the cop acted inappropriately- he had a situation and dealt with it.

Edited by F11
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Imagine if you're a police officer and you get a call saying there are 2 dogs harrassing and potentially harming a beagle. You arrive to hear it screaming and it is too far away to see if it has been injured. One of the dogs rushes you. You have no training with dogs, all you know is that there is a screaming animal (and to someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with dogs it would probably sound like it was injured) and a large dog running towards you and barking in a menacing manner. I can see why his first instinct was to shoot.

It's easy to say "well why wasn't a ranger or someone else called instead of the police". And someone should have been. But that wasn't the cops fault. He showed up to a tough situation with limited training and he reacted in the best way he could.

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Imagine if you're a police officer and you get a call saying there are 2 dogs harrassing and potentially harming a beagle. You arrive to hear it screaming and it is too far away to see if it has been injured. One of the dogs rushes you. You have no training with dogs, all you know is that there is a screaming animal (and to someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with dogs it would probably sound like it was injured) and a large dog running towards you

and barking in a menacing manner. I can see why his first instinct was to shoot.

It's easy to say "well why wasn't a ranger or someone else called instead of the police". And someone should have been. But that wasn't the cops fault. He showed up to a tough situation with limited training and he reacted in the best way he could.

Well said! Totally agree and this is a very likely scenario

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The dogs didn't rush nor appear it was going to rush the police officer :confused: .

Are you guys staying with the video footage?

It was running towards the police officer and barking directly at him. If there was a large dog coming towards me like that I would be pretty freaked out too.

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The dogs didn't rush nor appear it was going to rush the police officer :confused: .

Are you guys staying with the video footage?

It was running towards the police officer and barking directly at him. If there was a large dog coming towards me like that I would be pretty freaked out too.

Officers are trained to be calm under pressure. This officer stormed out to the yard, gun in hand ready to shoot regardless.

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Umm...What did you want the officer to do Blackdogs?

That Brindle dog comes running over and barking as soon as they notice him. The officer wasn't threatning in any way, the dog however was (and got shot for it).

Watch from 2.22 without sound- (gives you a better perspective) so seriously, what do you think he should have done?

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Officers are trained to be calm under pressure. This officer stormed out to the yard, gun in hand ready to shoot regardless.

He was quite calm IMO- and he didn't 'storm' out. Yep of course he was ready to shoot...why do you think he wouldn't he be?

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Officers are trained to be calm under pressure. This officer stormed out to the yard, gun in hand ready to shoot regardless.

I'm beginning to wonder if some of us are watching the same video. I'd have described his demeanour as 'cautious'. :shrug:

Just cos you say he has horns and a tail Blackdogs doesn't make it so I'm afraid.

Edited by Telida Whippets
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Remember we are all watching from different eyes so it may as well be like watching a different video. You either agree with the office shooting the dogs or you don't. End of story. No one is going to change anyone's opinion on that so all the "your wrong, I'm right" banter is really just pointless.

I'm just curious to know though... if we change the breed involved and put in for example a Dobe, GSD, Greyhound, Rotty, Mastiff, poodle, cattle dog (I don't have anything against these breeds by the way, I love all dogs regardless of their faults ;) ). Would you all agree that the dog should be shot? Or would it suddenly change to "Oh, it was just playing" :) and be honest!

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Remember we are all watching from different eyes so it may as well be like watching a different video. You either agree with the office shooting the dogs or you don't. End of story. No one is going to change anyone's opinion on that so all the "your wrong, I'm right" banter is really just pointless.

I'm just curious to know though... if we change the breed involved and put in for example a Dobe, GSD, Greyhound, Rotty, Mastiff, poodle, cattle dog (I don't have anything against these breeds by the way, I love all dogs regardless of their faults ;) ). Would you all agree that the dog should be shot? Or would it suddenly change to "Oh, it was just playing" :) and be honest!

The breed of dog makes no difference whatsoever to me.

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I'm just curious to know though... if we change the breed involved and put in for example a Dobe, GSD, Greyhound, Rotty, Mastiff, poodle, cattle dog (I don't have anything against these breeds by the way, I love all dogs regardless of their faults ;) ). Would you all agree that the dog should be shot? Or would it suddenly change to "Oh, it was just playing" :) and be honest!

I think if you changed it to any DOG, that could be considered physically threatening to a human REGARDLESS OF BREED, I would expect the outcome to be similar.

I don't think that most people see dogs in terms of breed. They seem them in terms of size/physique and demeanour - even My BC's freak people out on occasion and that is just walking towards them on the street in a nice, polite controlled fashion.

It is sad that the dog got shot and I'd like to think I would have handled it differently, but the reality is that when faced with a rushing dog in an uncontrolled environment you don't get time to think. I had a dog that I thought was aggressive rush our three the other night. I've replayed the event over and over again in my mind and it still isn't clear exactly what happened.

Suffice to say that screaming at this particular dog did the trick, not sure what I would do with dogs that didn't back down though.

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I was just curious to know. Generally when ever a "Pit Bull" type dog is involved its like a little witch hunt - but I rarely see the same reaction with other breeds.

I've spoken to people that only see breed... one breed = good... other = bad and nothing you do will change that. Eg. I own two AmStaffies and my little sister had 3 APBT's. My Nanna hates by the APBT's but adores my dogs. She also won't believe that they are nearly the same thing in terms of appearance and personality. :confused: she is a little crazy though :laugh: .

At the end of the day I don't like to see any animal killed when (I see) there are other alternatives.

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To be honest, the breed does change things slightly for me. But its more size than anything. For example, I would think it an overreaction if the dog had been a toy poodle or little white fluffy. But yeah, any medium to large sized breed and i think the officers reaction was the best thing that could have been done under the circumstances.

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after watching this video a few times, the beagle is the one who actually looks dog aggressive.... if you watch it closely the pitbulls are actually displaying a lot of play behaviour and the beagle is the one going in for bites.... its only as soon as people show up with threatening body language and attempting to poke the dogs... god knows what the video taker was holding for the dogs to feel so threatened but they were not aggressive to the beagle at all, if anything the beagle is just annoyed the strays are in its personal perimeter, the closer the get the more the beagle screams out... the beagle just seems to have a very annoying over to top bark that sounds a lot worse then what the situation is.... I have watched the video 5 times just to justify the officers actions...

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