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I Like Water!


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I've been out snorkeling and diving with my new baby Panasonic TS3 and while she has some limitations, I am enjoying using her and the images are turning out pretty well. I shot some video on yesterday's dive but haven't gotten than up yet, will share when I do. In the meantime, here are some underwater stills - all images are with the camera only, no housing, no external strobe.

Blue spotted stingray guarded by some fishies | snorkeling 3m


Green turtle resting | diving 10m


Green turtle swimming | diving 10m


Stonefish doing his camouflage thing | snorkeling 3m


Sparkly bubble coral shrimp pair | diving 10m


Sparkly bubble coral shrimp - cropped | diving 10m


Fishies | diving 10m


Pair o' fishies | snorkeling 2m


There are more on the bloggy :)


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Thanks, All! I'm having a blast playing around :)

@Kirislin - do you want the details for water work or overall?

Probably both, I'd love a good point and shoot that is waterproof too, so I can take good action photos at the beach without worrying about my expensive camera and lens.

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From yesterday - more on the blog :)

All snorkeling: depths 3-5m

Hairy hermit crab


Juvenile tawny nurse shark


Juvenile Clarkii anemonefish


I was very impressed with the detail on the shots from today and it gives me hope that as I learn this camera it will come close to being as good as my Canon A720 in the Canon housing :thumbsup:

@Kirislin - as long as you remember that this is a compact camera when you're trying to do action shots, you should be OK. It will seem dirt slow compared to your dslr. Burst mode works pretty well. I find focus is hit or miss quite often on fast subjects (like the doggies) but that may be because I haven't figured out the best setting. Which is, to me, a problem because I never had to futz with settings on my baby Canon SD1200 IS. I also find the pixels to be a bit squishy sometimes, even in bright daylight. I find that odd. But for my purposes it works OK - I share on the net. Have not printed from this camera yet but would expect 4x6s to be fine and probably up to 8x12ish.

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Got out for a day's diving yesterday and was so hoping to spend some quality time getting back into the groove with my BGC but the Sea Gods weren't having any of it. 1) I ended up diving with a friend who doesn't stop to just hang out much, 2) the conditions were super tricky for uw photography and 3) my leak alarm on my underwater housing went off not far into the dive which required I surface and empty the water out :eek:

It doesn't look like it was a bad leak, but there were some water droplets in various places. I saw none on any of the electronics so that is very good news. I'll pull the whole thing apart today - didn't have the right equipment with me yesterday to do it on the boat - and double check everything to see if I can find the problem.

So, I ended up just playing with the GoPro Hero2 and the Panasonic TS3. I haven't downloaded any of the videos yet but here's a still shot from the Panny - it did a pretty good job, I think.

Nembrotha cristata | Jaws 12m


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My morning tea break today was spent snorkeling with a friend and it was glorious out there today :thumbsup: Saw lots of neat fish, some little shrimp, a funky sting ray, a very cool eel sneaking into his hidey hole, several of these frogfish that love to hide way way under things and so much more. Really enjoyed my time today - I'd probably still be out there but my friend got cold so we cut it short after about 70 minutes.

This frogfish was a sweetie.


His brother that I found later was a brat - the only reason I saw him was that I was trying to get in under a ledge to get close to a banded shrimp and WHAM massive blow to the head :eek: Startled me for sure - and double startled when I saw this big mouthed googlie eyed thing staring at me from about two inches in front of my face. He was sincerely pissed at me for disturbing him & had turned a deep dark brown all over - turns out he was in the hole with the shrimp but I didn't see him 'til he sneaked back in there later LOL Boy, they pack a wallop - had a headache for an hour!

I :heart: the ocean :thumbsup:

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Amazing shots kja! We are half way through our dive certification and have done a couple of 'discover diving' trips. Seeing your photos makes me super keen to finish and get back in the water!

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