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Happy Birthday Tara

Tara and Sam

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Happy 15th Birthday Tara

I didnt think you would make it to your birthday as the last 12 months or so have been hard on you

you lost your best mate just over 14 months

you fretted badly when he passed away

you suffer Dementia and Deafness and Blindness and so insecure

to go through what you have within yourself and then lose your mate and then to be left alone more than ever by yourslef this last year due to mum and dad having health issues and we had to leave you home alone

There have been days over the last 6 months that I didnt think you would make it , then you surprise me by running and bouding around like a puppy all over again

you have your days of having accidents inside and we can see you dont like having those accidents , but Tara that didnt worry us as we know you couldnt help them

I know you cant get on our bed as you use to be able to for your belly rubs .but we lift you up on the bed to have them and then lift you down so you dont hurt yourself

Thank you for being my shadow for 15 years and the love and fun you have given us with your antics over the years

Have a great Happy Birthday and yes you will have your favourite chicken tonight for tea



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