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Grateful Thanks To Helpful Exhibitors


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Rhonda (Bunyong Pugs) and I would like to thank very much those exhibitors who assisted us when we suffered heatstroke on Saturday at Warrnambool when loading our vehicles.

To all who offered assistance and sympathy we thank you sincerely; most especially Michael Looby (Triseter) who really went out of his way to assist, unloading dogs for us and fetching and carrying endlessly.

We were both able to recover that evening, and returned to show the following day much wiser.

Edited by RuralPug
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so glad there are still some good people out there hahahaha hope ur both well again!!

funny i was doing the grocery shopping and i was running down the list thinking i must be crazy... 3/4 of the list was for the dog haha electrolyte replacer, containers to make frozen treats for the dog etc... then i thought hrmm maybe whilst im here i should get some stuff to keep me cool at the shows not just the dog haha we often spend all our time making sure the dogs are well watered and cooled and forget about ourselves!!

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so glad there are still some good people out there hahahaha hope ur both well again!!

funny i was doing the grocery shopping and i was running down the list thinking i must be crazy... 3/4 of the list was for the dog haha electrolyte replacer, containers to make frozen treats for the dog etc... then i thought hrmm maybe whilst im here i should get some stuff to keep me cool at the shows not just the dog haha we often spend all our time making sure the dogs are well watered and cooled and forget about ourselves!!

:) That's exactly right! We were so focused on keeping the dogs cool and content we did not take proper care of ourselves.

MInd you, at one point during the recovery at the grounds we might have been over-conscientious keeping the cool coats drenched and the dogs sprayed etc. - we know because in that extreme heat one of the puppies was shivering with cold. :o

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Glad to here alls well Rural pug...just one thing, cool coats dont work like that..the idea is you soak them put them on the dog and the coat draws the heat from the dog, they are not designed to be drenched. :)

What a shame you didnt catch up with Tentie and the BBQ when you got to the show.

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