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Glues Safe To Use For Ear Taping


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Hi all, I have a 6 month old GSD pup and wanted to find out a safe adhesive to use for ear taping. I know alot of people in America are using the Torbot bonding cement with great success. I have tried to find the stuff and can't find it, also no one seems to know of an equivelant product? someone said superglue? Anyone who could help please do, thanks in advance.

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Thankyou for all the replies, sorry for not getting back sooner.... we have had the worst flood here on record and was a very scary time! All fine now though :)

OK, so I've looked and I've looked for the Torbot, but to no avail? Would you guys say the tear mender is just as good? I have used foam pipe insulation taped with leucoplast tape, it has been 3 days and I have had to replace every day. I took it off yesterday and her ears were standing!! A little wobbly, but standing, I left it off for about an hour and one ear kinked slightly about half way down, but nothing like before. Re-taped now though, would this be a good sign they will stand? I mean others who have tried and failed, do the ears flop straight after removing the tape? Thankyou Bianca for the offer! Where are you located? PS a vet told me it's illegal to do in Oz? (taping)

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PS a vet told me it's illegal to do in Oz? (taping)

Get a new vet.

Hope you weren't affected to bad with the floods.

That's what I was thinking!! And thanks, we were very lucky not to lose any animals in the flood (I have about 300 poultry)

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Hi, I have a partially used bottle of Tear Mender you can have if you like. I left it too late to try and glue my girls ears :


Your dog is beautiful!! Although I do like the standy uppy ears more, I prefer rose to full flop any day :) My other dog has the rose ears and I love her dearly. Alot of my friends say to me "why do you care how the ears stand?" and well it's just my preferrence... so if her ears don't stand it's not going to change my relationship with my dog anyway :)

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Aww thank you Mim! :)

To be honest I was a bit upset at first that her ears didn't stand (She is the first non-spca special dog I've had!) but now I really think they make her who she is...a clown!

And the bowl is the cats! It's the only one the super pup doesn't tip over when he tried to swim in it :laugh:




Sorry for straying off topic

Sheppup, yep your vet is wrong! My vet laughed when he heard I had glued Mollys ears!

Will pm you. And thank you for the compliment :)

Edited by bianca.a
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Aww thank you Mim! :)

To be honest I was a bit upset at first that her ears didn't stand (She is the first non-spca special dog I've had!) but now I really think they make her who she is...a clown!

And the bowl is the cats! It's the only one the super pup doesn't tip over when he tried to swim in it :laugh:




Sorry for straying off topic

Sheppup, yep your vet is wrong! My vet laughed when he heard I had glued Mollys ears!

Will pm you. And thank you for the compliment :)

Love the bowl.... And your pup is too cute!! Nice firm ears on that little guy!

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No it is not illegal to tape ears!! It is illegal to crop ears.

That's exactly what I said, but she insisted that any cosmetic procedures are illegal LOL, I don't think she really knew what ear taping was?

Probably not, I've had one vet tell me there was something realy wrong with my dogs ears, when I took a pup with it's ears glued to the vets LOL They'd never seen it done before

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I would if I could find the stuff *sigh* I'm really quite depressed about it :( I just can't find it anywhere! Either OS and will take forever to get here, or out of stock with the suppliers here in Oz? I bet if I didn't need it so bad it would be here smacking me in the face :0 Darn you Murphy!!! LOL Does anyone have some spare for my little girl? Bianca was very generous with her offer and she only lives 40 mins from me, but unfortunately it has has turned into a big hard mass :( And it seemed so perfect!

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superglue and dermabond both require a solvent to be removed. Yup go with the tear mender, if you get it on your fingers you can just roll it off it's rubbery and doesnt seep into the skin


here's our effort ...

Wow, great job!!! What did you use as the support inside the ear? Do you have a teeny bit left in a bottle lurking in the shed? LOL (told you I was desperate *hides*)

Edited by Sheppup
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