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Lectric Soda

Red Fox

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Mals are tubes ... give her a highly softened diet for a few days, well watered down and small meals only. It will pass if she's not vomiting.

Thanks for the reassurance. This one is like a bloody garbage disposal! Ah well, I'll keep a close eye on her this week just in case, sure she'll be fine. smile.gif

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Do these crystals have a shelf life? Should stock up on some to have on hand if ever needed.

SK - Hope your pooch is ok. I'm confident he will be. Amazing what dogs can swallow and poop out.

Thanks Erny. Not sure about the shelf life but a big bag only set me back about $4.

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Sorry to drag up this thread,

Where do we get the crystals again? If you can throw a handful into a dogs mouth, is there any risk of overdose?

I had a whippet get something stuck last night. He ate grass for 30 minutes like a cow, I gave him cucumber leaves which seemed to work almost immediately (bulkier and have furry surface). He bought up the blockage nicely cocooned in green, and is fine now.

I just don't want either of use to go through that again.

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lectric soda you get from most pharmacies and supermarkets you just have to look around. It is quite basic, and is an irritant hence why it causes vomiting. Dont go shoving a heap down their throat considering you can unblock drains with the stuff.

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