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Whippet And Cats


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Wow, we have a 12wk old pup who LOVES our 4 cats but already knows he's not allowed to chase them. He sits and squirms on the ground to get closer to them. When they ome to him he licks them. I know it is early days but we were insistent from when we first got him that harassing, chasing cats was a no, no.

His breeder had also had him around cats before we got him.

In one week we've had him he knows sit, come, drop and sits on the mat for his dinner, he sits for his toys and knows jumping is a no no.

I think you need a squirt bottle and you need to be consistent... EVERY TIME she goes near the cats, not just once she has them in a head lock!

Sighthounds are sensitive and don't like punishment or scolding. A behaviorist might be what you need.

Good luck

(Telida.... I've missed you! X)

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I my boyfriend and my dad chase her around the house too at times. She has plenty of toys which she plays with, hard to keep her occupied with when theres a cat around.

She;s a dog bred to have prey drive.

She is now becoming a more capable ,almost adult dog , and habits she has learned over the past few months are now her normal way of behaving.

your parents' whippets were working, doing what whippets were bred for , they were very well exercised, and had to think....and I bet if they did misbehave they learnt to do better!

Your whippet plays with other dogs, plays with you ..goes to obedience one night a week ..and has not learnt the house rules yet ...not a lifestyle which will tire her brain out, or give her structure ...

(and yes, I have trained a whippet or two ... )

Whippet pups are bit like eels .. they can wriggle their way into and out of trouble ;)

I honestly think you have your hands full trying to keep the other dogs exercised and losing weight , without the added stresses in the household of an adolescent with prey drive, and it's not fair on the cats , who, one day, may well get hurt :(

I too would suggest a professional, but I think they are a bit scarce where you live .

Rehoming may save you and the whippet a lot of uncertainty and confusion ....not every person/household is suited to every dog we might fancy ....

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..oh, and if you need to scream to have her respond, you both are NOT on the same wavelength, and have very poor communication between you :(

Please do not even consider an electronic collar- she is very young, and it would be the work of one second to cause her more problems with a misplaced stim. :(

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Missy never saw cats till she came to live with my family she was 12 weeks old when we got her, Pax I don't chase her when she has done something wrong, I also never call her to punish either. I do play chasy games with her throughout the day. I love and adore Missy and I wouldn't want to give her up. Missy even pounces on the cats if there just laying there, But at times the cats do play with her, Missy could be walking past one and he will start to play with her. The cats don't mind playing with Missy its just when Missy gets to rough they have had enough they get up and walk away with Missy still following them. I don't mind her playing with the cats I just want her to learn that when I say enough it means enough. Monet n divas mum I may try the spray bottle and see if that works.

In everyother way Missy is a great dog and I really love her, She follows me around alot even sits in my lap. Missy is more of a lap dog then Rascal my chihuahua. Missy is laying beside me right now asleep, The last few days I haven't been able to exercise her due to the weather being so hot.

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Sounds like she is confused. One minute she can play with the cats, the next she can't. She doesn't understand she's playing too rough.

I would be stopping the play with cats full stop. She has to learn to ignore them.

It will require you being super vigilant. She is to be in sight always so you can stop her when she even looks at them

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The last few days I haven't been able to exercise her due to the weather being so hot.

early mornings is usually just lovely ;)

Why not, when it's hot .. do some education stuff? she can practice lying still , going to a mat EVERY time she's told .. leaving food when you say no ...

and my favourite , just me and a dog in a nice quiet room, doing whisper training :D

I love training dogs using just a whispery voice ... we both need to concentrate , and the dog learns to really watch/listen to get the opportunity for lots of gentle ,quiet physical praise . Me? I enjoy watching the dog closely , and praising on the signs of dog listening to me ..and understanding what is wanted .It's a very tranquil thing to do .. no sudden moves, no noise, just communication ..and learning.

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M2S,I didnt think you chase her when your cross with her, i meant dont chase her ever, even if you think its a game, thats a game you dont want dogs to learn. The game needs to be that the dog chases you.Anyway, if you need my help, just send me a pm:)

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Ok monet I didn't think of it that way. I thought once the cat let off that sorten ouch meow and a little swipe of the paw and me telling her no Missy would learn that enough is enough. Looks like I'll be walking around with a spray bottle filled with water and spray her everytime she goes for the cat, Do I even spray her when she looks at 1?

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I'd be starting from scratch. Say no when she looks at cat, have treat and get her to come to you... You'll be much more exciting.

If no doesn't get her attention, get up, say no, grab her by the collar and take her to time out - a place with no toys, people, animals or fun like an empty laundry for a few mins. Then get her to sit, then let her out.

Do that for a while first. Water bottle is absolute last resort.

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The last few days I haven't been able to exercise her due to the weather being so hot.

early mornings is usually just lovely ;)

Why not, when it's hot .. do some education stuff? she can practice lying still , going to a mat EVERY time she's told .. leaving food when you say no ...

and my favourite , just me and a dog in a nice quiet room, doing whisper training :D

I love training dogs using just a whispery voice ... we both need to concentrate , and the dog learns to really watch/listen to get the opportunity for lots of gentle ,quiet physical praise . Me? I enjoy watching the dog closely , and praising on the signs of dog listening to me ..and understanding what is wanted .It's a very tranquil thing to do .. no sudden moves, no noise, just communication ..and learning.

I train her everyday only for short lessons as she gets bored easy. Normally within 10 minutes Missy has had enough and starts to shut down. Might be a dumb question but what is whisper training? Missy knows to sit and wait when she is being feed. She does know to go lay down when told just sometimes she chooses not to listen which is when I pick her up put her on the couch and say lay down.

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I'd be starting from scratch. Say no when she looks at cat, have treat and get her to come to you... You'll be much more exciting.

If no doesn't get her attention, get up, say no, grab her by the collar and take her to time out - a place with no toys, people, animals or fun like an empty laundry for a few mins. Then get her to sit, then let her out.

Do that for a while first. Water bottle is absolute last resort.

Ok I'll try that note to sself carry treats around. Hopefully it won't take to much to train her out of it.

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I'd be starting from scratch. Say no when she looks at cat, have treat and get her to come to you... You'll be much more exciting.

If no doesn't get her attention, get up, say no, grab her by the collar and take her to time out - a place with no toys, people, animals or fun like an empty laundry for a few mins. Then get her to sit, then let her out.

Do that for a while first. Water bottle is absolute last resort.

Ok I'll try that note to sself carry treats around. Hopefully it won't take to much to train her out of it.

Be prepared that it may take months... You need to persist with it... She knows how to play you and she knows if she tries for long enough she can get away with it!

It's a lot easier to prevent bad behavior than trying to undo it once it has become part of their daily life!

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I guess I kept saying shes a puppy she will learn over time, I didn't think it could be my training, The trainers at obedience said to use 1 or 2 words when there doing wrong either a No or a Arh No. I use both Arh and No but not together. Looks like back to basics with Missy then well for the cats it is.

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You've been training her since day one as to what is right and what is wrong.... You've taught her that it was ok cos she was cute, little and it was funny for the past 3.5mths. Now it's not okay, she'll try to weasel out and see if she can still get away with chasing the cats.

Please tell me she's never left with the cats unsupervised?

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