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Quantum Chill Cool Coats


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The other week we purchased a Quantum Chill Cool Coat for Mr Mojo our British Bulldog.

Mojo is a great breather but we decided to get him one so he could wear them at the shows.

Last weekend my hubby took Mojo to the shows and he was absolutely great. Lovely and calm and cool.

We have just come back from a show today with a temp of 31 degrees. Mr Mojo was totally cool and relaxed while in his soft crate. Never got stressed(he has an awesome temperament anyway).

He had it on right up until we were in the ring and hubby then rewet it to put on when he got out. In this kind of heat with no breeze I am totally impressed with how cool he was. The judge even made a comment(must of seen him with his coat on) on how cool he was in the heat.

You do have to make sure you follow the instructions with the coat. And the ladies we dealt with in Brisbane were great.


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We brought one of those from USA from Clean Run when they had free postage. Could only get blue.

Don't like the length of the velcro that is on practically on the whole length of the coat as they get stuck to the other dogs coats.

Compared to the legnth on the cool champions that is only up one side of the coat.

I too think the hyperkewel is great for my Schipp, need to buy more though.

Glad to hear you boy is so comfortable.


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