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Pets Getting The Run Of The House


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My two sleep on the bed with me. Mick wouldn't have it any other way, on the top when it's warm and under the covers when it's cold. Hot weather, Abby sleeps on her pillow on the floor but if it turns a bit cold during the night she's up on the bed and under the blankets with Mick. When I was camping at the shows overnight, some places got down to zero and Ben, would be at my feet, Pebbles at my back and Sam in front, all under the blanket - 3 dog night!

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Bullies sleep in our bedroom in their beds. That's bad enough!

According to my OH, our 3 snoring bullies generate about 90 decibels.

That readily compares to train whistle (90dB), truck traffic (90dB) or subway train (95dB)

Having them on the bed with us would breach the pain threshold (@125dB) :laugh:

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Our cats have free run of the house except the guest quarters which are out of bound for all animals and our toddler!

When the dogs come inside they go to their indoor dog beds - no free roaming about the house for them and they sleep outside at night. The night before a show/trial the dog who's competing sleeps inside on a 3 seater leather lounge we've put in our room for that purpose - leather's so easy to clean!

In winter our oldest dog sleeps inside as her back legs aren't the greatest in cold weather. She sleeps in our room - but that's usually dependant on where the cats allow her to sleep.

The bed is a definate "out of bounds" for the dogs for us.

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I'm kind of surprised that this is considered all that odd.... That said a gossipy Dad came to my house to collect his daughter from a playdate and told me in shocked tones about a messy mum who (shock horror) let her two large hairy dogs inside the house. Moments later, Daisy saunters down the hallway :p Apparently I'm OK because my house doesn't smell like dog and Daisy has short hair.

Personally I think dogs are much cleaner than your average toddler.

I agree completely!

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So many people die of cancer & heart disease. So many get sick every year with colds & flus & viruses but I have never heard of anyone dying or being off work sick because their dog lived inside & slept on their bed.

Christina, I think I read that there's evidence pet dog owners tend to stay healthier. I'll see if I can find a reference.

Found it. BBC reports on the research:


Dog owners should print it out & wave it in the face of people who tell them it's unhealthy to have a dog (s) in the house or on the bed.

Edited by mita
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