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Dog Beanbag Beds From Cotd


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Catch of the day had the underdog beanbag beds on sale recently. Did anyone get a large size beanbag bed but wanted a medium? I was sent a medium and it's not going to be big enough for my gsds :( It's the dog print pattern if anyone wants to swap?

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I'm sure it was mentioned they only had medium because that's what stopped me getting one, too small.

When I bought mine it says medium or large and I added a note that I would like a large - but I know its luck of the draw with such things.

Would anyone like to buy a medium, brand new in packet?

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I'm sure it was mentioned they only had medium because that's what stopped me getting one, too small.

When I bought mine it says medium or large and I added a note that I would like a large - but I know its luck of the draw with such things.

Would anyone like to buy a medium, brand new in packet?

I'd be interested please? :D

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Medium here.

Got beans.

Soon to have big mess :D

Put it in the bathtub while you pour the beans in...stops the little buggers going everywhere!!

I had a bean bag bed explode in the cat run once. Came out to find a Burmese-bean cat. The static in her coat made the loose beans stick to her from nose to tail. It took me forever to clean up cos I was laughing so hard :rofl:

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