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Act Greens Introduce Breeding Regulations


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Caroline Le Couteur MLA, ACT Greens Spokesperson for TAMS

15 February 2012 

Greens call on dog-loving MLAs' support for Bill

The Greens will table a bill today which addresses unregulated and inhumane breeding and selling of cats and dogs in the ACT.

"We have to act to reduce the abandonment, suffering and euthanizing of thousands of animals in Canberra every year," Greens TAMS spokesperson, Caroline Le Couteur MLA, said today.

Tragically, the TAMS Domestic Animal Service euthanised 210 dogs in 2010/11, and the RSPCA was also forced to euthanise 105 dogs and 825 cats.

"For two years now we've waited for the Government to act on an undertaking they made to introduce a Code of Practice to address the issue.

"Meanwhile other jurisdictions have moved to address these exact problems. The Victorian and Queensland Governments have both moved to regulate puppy breeding. There was a long time when the ACT was leading the country in animal welfare standards, but this is no longer the case.

"Through our consultation process, the Greens received a huge amount of support for this Bill, including from the animal welfare community and the general public.

The Greens' Bill includes:

• Licensing of cat and dog breeders, and mandatory standards for breeding operations

• Desexing of appropriately aged pets at point of sale

• Strengthened animal cruelty laws

• A new system of microchip traceability to ensure breeders are known

• Regulation of the advertising of animals for sale

• Limiting cat and dog sales to licensed and regulated sellers.

"I think that Canberrans buying a pet will welcome the assurance that the animal has not been inhumanly bred or mistreated prior to sale.

"The Greens have consistently pushed for these animal welfare reforms. There is no reason that dog loving MLAs shouldn't support this pro-puppy bill," Ms Le Couteur said.

You can view the Bill as tabled at:


features: It's a criminal offense for a vet not to report violations.

Conviction for breeding without a license can carry a 1 year jail sentence and 100 penalty points.

MEDIA CONTACT: Tom Burmester– 0423 657 561

ACT Legislative Assembly GPO Box 1020, Canberra ACT 2601

Edited by sandgrubber
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Once again, there's a few issues mixed up and lumped in the same basket and they are never going to solve them , as they need to be addressed individually.

Perhaps they could start with this

A new system of microchip traceability to ensure breeders are known

and work from there. If they know where the dogs and cats are coming from, then perhaps they can put some measures in place to help reduce the number of unwanted animals.

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"We have to act to reduce the abandonment, suffering and euthanizing of thousands of animals in Canberra every year," Greens TAMS spokesperson, Caroline Le Couteur MLA, said today.

Tragically, the TAMS Domestic Animal Service euthanised 210 dogs in 2010/11, and the RSPCA was also forced to euthanise 105 dogs and 825 cats.

This quote, and these figures, don't seem to match... These figures indicate just over one thousand animals euthanased over a two year period, not "thousands every year".

Nothing like an over emotional beat up. Lets not let the facts get in the way of a good story, lets guilt trip "animal loving" MLAs into supporting it... If they don't, are they somehow less of a dog lover??

I can imagine there are some areas of other states that would love to have their numbers down that low. It really seems quite a low number and perhaps not needing such urgent attention.

Yet again more regulation which makes life harder only for those who do the right thing anyway.

edit - spelling :o

Edited by Alyosha
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It is extremely low numbers it is approx 4 dogs a week, and some of them will be from the seized pens, sick dogs etc, also some weeks we will loose some really nice dogs but a lot of the time they hold them over and they get adopted, some weeks there are none so overall it is very low. ACT has a 4% euthanasia rate.

They should be looking at the BYB, they are the ones who are getting away with it. They advertise in the paper, they should be doing a blitz on a Saturday and going to their homes and checking them out.



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It is extremely low numbers it is approx 4 dogs a week, and some of them will be from the seized pens, sick dogs etc, also some weeks we will loose some really nice dogs but a lot of the time they hold them over and they get adopted, some weeks there are none so overall it is very low. ACT has a 4% euthanasia rate.

They should be looking at the BYB, they are the ones who are getting away with it. They advertise in the paper, they should be doing a blitz on a Saturday and going to their homes and checking them out.



Just think how much revenue they could have if they actually policed the laws and implemented the fines they can now.

Its just constantly over regulating and creating more and more scoff laws which are drafted and created by people who have

no real clue of the true state of affairs being fed by animal rights crap.No vision of the consequences for breeders or the future for our breeds.

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Interestingly, I rang TAMS one day and the fellow I spoke to (who said he was from the animal welfare area) was very keen to hear about breaches of the current laws. I was calling about a BYB who hadn't microchipped.

He said that one of those on the advisory committee (or whatever it is) was a guy who owned several pet shops in Canberra. Welfare fail right there.

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