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While I think this case appears to be a joke perhaps it might help discourage people from buying from BYB and unregistered breeders.

Lol you cant buy an APBT from a registered breeder..... unfortunatly they are also illegal to breed....

I am aware of that and nowhere did I say they brought a pair of APBT!

The dogs pictured look like the typical "pig dog" that is usually produced by ferals and bogans who live in that area.

Ouch :laugh:

Agreed Poochmad, its just bloody stupid!

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These puppies look very much Bull Mastiff to me, with their pale cream coat colouring and lots of black around the muzzle. Two of my friends had BM's, they were extremely friendly, nearly dopey, absolutely harmless. These pups are very pretty. The Pitbulls I have met, were nearly orange in colour, one was orange with tiger stripes, no pale cream colouring there.

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These puppies look very much Bull Mastiff to me, with their pale cream coat colouring and lots of black around the muzzle. Two of my friends had BM's, they were extremely friendly, nearly dopey, absolutely harmless. These pups are very pretty. The Pitbulls I have met, were nearly orange in colour, one was orange with tiger stripes, no pale cream colouring there.

APBT's come in all colours (except merle and blue) If only the ACO's thought this, we'd have no pitbulls in pounds and thousands would've been saved from BSL! Perhaps they'll add colour to the checklists.... I do shudder to think you feel the BM's you met were absolutely harmless. Though i'm stoked you have a good feel about BM's.

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These puppies look very much Bull Mastiff to me, with their pale cream coat colouring and lots of black around the muzzle. Two of my friends had BM's, they were extremely friendly, nearly dopey, absolutely harmless. These pups are very pretty. The Pitbulls I have met, were nearly orange in colour, one was orange with tiger stripes, no pale cream colouring there.

APBT's come in all colours (except merle and blue) If only the ACO's thought this, we'd have no pitbulls in pounds and thousands would've been saved from BSL! Perhaps they'll add colour to the checklists.... I do shudder to think you feel the BM's you met were absolutely harmless. Though i'm stoked you have a good feel about BM's.

Geo, are you on the attack, sounds like it??

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These puppies look very much Bull Mastiff to me, with their pale cream coat colouring and lots of black around the muzzle. Two of my friends had BM's, they were extremely friendly, nearly dopey, absolutely harmless. These pups are very pretty. The Pitbulls I have met, were nearly orange in colour, one was orange with tiger stripes, no pale cream colouring there.

APBT's come in all colours (except merle and blue) If only the ACO's thought this, we'd have no pitbulls in pounds and thousands would've been saved from BSL! Perhaps they'll add colour to the checklists.... I do shudder to think you feel the BM's you met were absolutely harmless. Though i'm stoked you have a good feel about BM's.

Geo, are you on the attack, sounds like it??

No they are merely educating you... id be taking the information on board

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These puppies look very much Bull Mastiff to me, with their pale cream coat colouring and lots of black around the muzzle. Two of my friends had BM's, they were extremely friendly, nearly dopey, absolutely harmless. These pups are very pretty. The Pitbulls I have met, were nearly orange in colour, one was orange with tiger stripes, no pale cream colouring there.

APBT's come in all colours (except merle and blue) If only the ACO's thought this, we'd have no pitbulls in pounds and thousands would've been saved from BSL! Perhaps they'll add colour to the checklists.... I do shudder to think you feel the BM's you met were absolutely harmless. Though i'm stoked you have a good feel about BM's.

Geo, are you on the attack, sounds like it??

Not attacking you, but setting you straight. Sweeping generalisations on public forums about breeds from people who don't own them doesn't do the breed any good, especially if it's opinions formed from media outlets, google etc.. i understand you had a bad experience with one, but i doubt you'd be able to identify one going from the post above. Many of the dog trainers, vets, any people who work with dogs on this forum will attest that they've met good and bad in every breed and that BSL is a bad idea due to the fact that it comes down to individual dogs. Due to the owners the breed has attracted in the past (and still does) APBT's are more likely to be abused, mistreated, untrained, unsocialised and generally not well looked after which is a recipe for disaster. That's not to say there aren't lots of well looked after ones out there but you're not likely to see one walking down the street due to the restrictions placed on them, dob a dog hotlines, nosy neighbours ringing the council etc..

I'm sure most Bull Mastiff owners could set you straight about some of their other traits, beside the cuddly dopey side.... again some BM's may by placid pussycats, others may not.

I do hope you get to meet a nice APBT, and when you do you'll know what everyone is on about. I used to dislike SWF's, however i have met heaps with lots of personality, attitude (good and bad) so now i don't mind them, wouldn't own one, wouldn't comment on their ownership but they're ok.

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Mr Laffan argued the dogs were seized on September 26, days before the new laws took effect,

If that is true, then the dogs were taken illegally and the case should collapse.

Although that won't stop them being taken a second time. :(

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What always comes out in these threads is that according to APBT owners absolutely no one can ID a APBT. This apparently includes their owners.

In the reading I have done, it is the same reason quoted when they are reversing BSL. It is just too hard to determine what a pitbull is, the governments/councils are going to court and being defeated too often and it is a costly process.

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These puppies look very much Bull Mastiff to me, with their pale cream coat colouring and lots of black around the muzzle. Two of my friends had BM's, they were extremely friendly, nearly dopey, absolutely harmless. These pups are very pretty. The Pitbulls I have met, were nearly orange in colour, one was orange with tiger stripes, no pale cream colouring there.

APBT's come in all colours (except merle and blue) If only the ACO's thought this, we'd have no pitbulls in pounds and thousands would've been saved from BSL! Perhaps they'll add colour to the checklists.... I do shudder to think you feel the BM's you met were absolutely harmless. Though i'm stoked you have a good feel about BM's.

Victoria's law covers crosses as well. The only colours mentioned in the Standard blue merle and pure white, and it states they don't come in those colours.

From the Standard, "COLOURS

All colours and combination of colours are acceptable, with the exception of blue merle and pure

white. White feet and a splash of white on the chest are not uncommon on solid coloured dogs."

Link to Vic Standard. Victorian Standard for Restricted Breeds

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What always comes out in these threads is that according to APBT owners absolutely no one can ID a APBT. This apparently includes their owners.

This i think is due to the large variations in "type" that would lead to all sorts of breeds becoming restricted... i've seen rego'd amstaffs as small as 15" upto 22", 20kgs - 40+kgs (as advertised on DOL) surely this is going to cause issues in id'ing dogs that are on death row for no other reason than the way they look, and any lawyer worth their salt will use this to win cases against local councils who are trying to euthanase family pets.

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I have given them contact details for Solicitor, and they have said they will be contacting him. :)

I'm glad you have, Sumosmum. This stuff makes me wanna cry. For the pups; for other innocents; and for the gross unfairness of law.

"Come, hither thee unto us and we shall give you amnesty if you register before 30th September." Sure. Right. Hardly. Damned if you don't register. Damned if you do.

Can it possibly be legal to have a law where you are penalised regardless of whether you abide by it or not?

And do any of us feel all so much safer for these dogs being taken away? Hhhmmph ....

Edited by Erny
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