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Solo Dog Training


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My girls need some recall work. I've been skimming various training advice -- there's so much out there and a lot of it seems good. Many of the exercises begin with: "Have a family member ....". Oops. I live alone. Nearest family member is a 45 minute drive, and probably couldn't be bothered with helping me train my dogs.

Has anyone seen training material that doesn't assume you have a 'helper' to call on?

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I started with a clicker.

Every time I click and say his name he gets a treat (helps if they are food focused)

Then I started clicking while he was out in the yard and yelling his name. When he came running he got his fave treats..

Now when we go to the leash free park, I can use his name and he comes running for a treat..

It can be inconvenient having to carry treats all the time.

Hopefully someone else can give you some ideas...

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