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Bedding For A Dog Trailer


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Hi everyone I have a new dog trailer (we are sooo excited) anyway one of the issues I have with trailers is the padding needed for the dogs in the trailer - what do people recommend - my guys eye react to the petrolium fumes from covered foam, I wonder if I stuffed dacron in a bag would that be OK and place a canvas cover over the lot. Any ideas would be appreciated. :D

The new toy with the kids checking it out!



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Futon beds & then add on top.

Depends how destructive they are & how clean they are .

My guys are clean & non destructive but like comfort .

I can use what ever but find the futon mattress to work very well with the comforts on top but i cando the foam option but find the dogs seem to not enjoy there comfort as much .

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If you have destructive dogs then DONT use an old doona! Did that once. I gave the doona to the non destructive dog, but of course the naughty one pulled it through from their side and when I opened the door it practically snowed feathers.

I often only have carpet down, I dont find I NEED padded bedding, they just destroy it.

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