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Litter Due In April 2012

Bilbo Baggins

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I'm told her previous litters have been 2 or 3 days early (but then she had always stood much later in her season then this time, so it hasn't started off as normal for her) so hopefully she will hold on a few more days. She's a quiet girl at the best of times, so it isn't easy to tell if she is quieter then normal. atm she is curled up on the sofa after wolfing her breakfast.

The noob vet didn't say what is was, just that it wasn't a good sign. He said if the pups heart beats were above 270 then it would have been a c-section that day, even if they were to early to be viable.

I've been lucky to have pretty straight forward pregnancies and only one problem at whelping time, so of course now I have an import bitch mated to a dog I can't use again things are not going as easily! :(

I'm stressed enough already with a few other things, including one of my giants who now lives with a family member, has now gone into liver failure.

I could use a strong drink, but of course, can't do that incase it's another vet trip!

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Going well :) One little boy was a bit slow to start with - he was a little one! - but he is kicking along well and has almost caught up to his sisters and brother. He's never far from the milk bvar, thats for sure! Evolving popped over for a visit today and took some pics - the link is here http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/137956-spitz-breeds/page__view__findpost__p__5793261

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Becks let us know how you get on - we are all thinking of you and wish we could help.

Lappiemum how are those new babies???


No news today, so hopefully no news is good news!

Discharge seems to be less then it was.

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Fingers crossed Becks...more April puppies YAY!!

Friday is the soonest she can begin here...shes a cute little womnbat and her tail never stops wagging. Love it! She sleeps in her whelping area in our room now which she thinks is pretty cool and I can hear her snoring..she sleeps on her back with her fat tum exposed to all!! I cant wait to see what she has...not getting xray now, will just be patiant!

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Fingers crossed Becks...more April puppies YAY!!

Friday is the soonest she can begin here...shes a cute little womnbat and her tail never stops wagging. Love it! She sleeps in her whelping area in our room now which she thinks is pretty cool and I can hear her snoring..she sleeps on her back with her fat tum exposed to all!! I cant wait to see what she has...not getting xray now, will just be patiant!

Hey just wodnering what made you change your mind. I have decided not to get one done either, but mainly because I doubt she woud lay still and think she could do without the added stress.

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OK I am starting to fuss - My whelping box is BIG 1.50m x 1.30m and I am thinking this weekend I might make a date with the circular saw and cut it down a bit. Anybody happy to share the size of their whelping box, the sort of dogs you have and if you are happy with the size or not.

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I have 1.1m x 1.1m and the other 1m x 1m - I have Pembrokes and I'd not like a box any smaller than the two I have (the 1.1m I rarely use now but only because I prefer the build of the 1m).

I think if I had Tollers then I'd wouldn't have my box any larger than 1.2m?


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OK I am starting to fuss - My whelping box is BIG 1.50m x 1.30m and I am thinking this weekend I might make a date with the circular saw and cut it down a bit. Anybody happy to share the size of their whelping box, the sort of dogs you have and if you are happy with the size or not.

My minis have a box about 1m square.

I think size depends on how you want to use the box later on when the pups are mobile and how big a play area you want to attach to it or if you are going to have them in something else.

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Thanks Aaziah and Becks. I attacked the whelping box last night, What should have been an hour job took me many hours and a trip to Bunnings and it still isn't finished, have to attach the inside rails, but I am happier with it. Think its 120 x 120 now.

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