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Shadow Chaser


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Just after some ideas really...

I've just started taking Lucy for small walks around the block. Yeterday I took her mid morning.. she was great, no problems, hardly any pulling. :)

This morning I took her at 6.30. The different lighting showed our shadows in front of us which she constantly tried to get :laugh: I had treats to try & distract her but she was hell bent on catching our shadows.. pulling on the lead even jumping & tripping over herself to get to them. As soon as I turned the corner the shadows were behind us & she walked perfectly again.

Early morning is really my preferred walking time when I have to goto work, especially this time of year with the heat we have been having. Does anyone else have a shadow chaser? and if so any advise on how to stop it?

Edited by Cavstar
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I have had a shadow chaser many years ago and it never grew out of it.

It used to chase shadows in our backyard which at the time was on the side of a hill and terraced.

It would throw itself over the edge without any thought as to what was on the other side with the result that it fell several metres on many occasions. Nothing we tried ever helped it, I came to the conclusion that it was unfortunately retarded in some way.

Not much help I am afraid but there it is.

Some people think it is funny to encourage a dog to chase shadows but having seen the worst of it I think you are doing the right thing in trying to divert its attention in an attempt to discourage it. Hopefully it will grow out of it!

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Stitch, was your dog a bull terrier?

I have seen many bullies do it :( it is horrible to watch.

I would see how you go, it could just be a thing she does because it is new, but if it keeps going i would be getting someone in to help it stop asal

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