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What Is The Longest Time You've Not Seen Your Dog?


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5 weeks away overseas, but I didn't have dogs at the time, just the cats.

The cats disowned me for the first couple of days home... typical cats :rolleyes: :laugh:

Most I have been away since I have dogs again is 3 days.

Maverick doesn't care, Willow throws herself on my feet, saying never leave me again! :laugh:

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My 3 year old girl will have a little sook for 5 mins when I leave but the younger one (15 months) I sure probably won't bat an eyelid... They will be super excited when I get home though.

My partner (they are very much his dogs too) 6 months ago moved interstate for work and they are handling that really well - super excited when he visits monthly and when I skype they say hi too! I'll have to set my mum up with a skype account!

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We're about to head off for two weeks to mark a milestone birthday for me...and every time I get excited I think about leaving little ones at home with Nanny coming to babysit. Mind you, they are pampered silly and in perfectly safe hands. Husband and I have even discussed how wonderful it will be having a whole bed to ourselves, not have to get up early on weekends to take dogs for walk and the biggest excitement...being able to eat a meal without two pairs of eyes pleading for some small nibble...Now I feel like a disloyal...

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I've been away a week here and there but either my mum or OH looks after the dogs when I'm away. Most has been up to a week, though...

James is most used to being away from me as I swap him out when a friend or my bitch comes into season so can be up to 3 weeks away at a time.

I'm going away for 4 weeks soon but again myOH will be staying behind to look after them... I trust him well enough but 4 weeks is a long time with 4 dogs that I am the primary carer of... I hope he will be ok... This is the first time I've been away from Ari and Lulu for longer than a week :eek:

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3 weeks for an overseas holiday. I'm glad I went but I missed them terribly the whole time and tortured my OH about it :o

My Mum comes and stays with them so I really shouldn't worry but I can't help it. :laugh:

I don't even like staying away from them overnight.

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5 weeks - went to Europe. Dogs stayed with my Mum, who they love, and two of my brothers dogs, and seemed a bit sad and lost when I took them home at the end :laugh: They keept looking around as ifthey were wondering why there were there :laugh:

I did miss them but surprisingly not as much as I thought I would.

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Six weeks, when I was in Europe - I was living at home so my mum looked after the puppies :) They have been in boarding kennels for up to three weeks at one time too.

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Most I've been away from Darcy was probably almost 2 weeks in 2010 when I went to Tassie, and I'll be leaving him again in a few days for a 10 day cruise. He stays with my parents, he's been going to their place since he was a bub, he had his first overnight stay there when he was about 6 months old and I was so worried even though I knew he'd be fine...it was only one night too :o Mum loves him to bits and spoils him rotten, and he has a playmate there too, our old boy who pretends he doesn't like him but will secretly have a tug of war when he thinks we're not watching :laugh:

Mum sends me regular updates on how he is, usually, but this cruise coming up will be my first time overseas and I will have no phone so I'm a bit nervous about that, but really I know he will be fine. Apparently he usually forgets that I've even left once I'm gone :laugh:

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5.5 weeks when we went on holiday last year, usually I've kept it to 2 weeks

He stayed with the parentals which is good because they have 3 people working all different hours so he gets a lot of attention and in door time.

He's also had one week at his own house with a friend house sitting

We've got another 2 week holiday coming up and the parentals have said they won't have him at their place (I'm sure they are stirring) so I just told them one of them would have to move into my place! hehe

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