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Agility Equipment


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We've recently moved into a house with a lovely separate grass yard about 1/3 of an acre.

So I want to get some agility equipment to train with during the week, just wondering where is the best place to buy it. I can do my own weave poles, I think I just want an Apex, a hoop/tyre jump and an elevated platform with ramps either side. Am I better to buy this sort of thing or try to make it myself?


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90kgs! eek1.gif Haha, what are you making it out of?!

PVC pipe is a good idea, I suppose I can buy horse jump wings and just adapt them.

Are you making a tyre hoop jump? The bigger of my two dogs is quite a large boy, he's 37ish Kg's and about 65cm to wither. He's not huge but he'll need something reasonably sized if he's going to make it though the hoop. What do you think of a child's hula hoop suspended off the ground? Is that too thin?

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We're going to make the tyre jump out of suspended Ag pipe


as it comes with a connector, so if the dog clips it the loop will open and not bring the jump down with the dog.

The A frame is currently drying lol it's out of 25mm box steel (2mm thick) 12mm ply screwed onto that and we've laid just under 10kg of wet render all over it as grip. We just have to coat it and it's done. May not be that heavy we made a provision for a lot more render to go on it but I think it will still be over 50kg total. Also has a huge tubular hinge joint at the top so it can be pulled into two panels for moving about.

The jumps I just made from PVC pipe, I'll take a photo for you, but basically just needed tees and end caps cut in half for the jump cups, screwed and glued so they didnt rotate.

Still have to make a walkover ... and we got really jack of a lot of screws/drill bits lol I can tell you AVOID ZENITH BRAND METAL SELF TAPPERS ... OH threw them at the wall ... the darn things just ground down O_o

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