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Pedigree Papers


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Just give Dogs Queensland a ring and give them your membership number and they will change your address.

Will they? I hope not - surely it has to be done in writing?

I don't know about Dogs QLD, but I know with Dogs Vic I had to put it in writing when I moved house & needed to give them my new adress. Also with one of my dogs I didn't receive her pedigree papers back in the mail after I sent them in to get transferred to my name. So in order to get a replacement copy sent to me I had to do a stat dec to state that I'm the owner of said dog & I didn't receive my original pedigree papers back in the mail, & would like to request a duplicate copy.

So Dogs vic seem to quite strict with this sort of stuff, I'm sure Dogs Qld would probably be too.

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If it's not an actual change of address but a spelling error or something, surely it would be an easier and more simple process than an actual address change, though. I would definitely give Dogs Qld a call and let them know what has happened, and how to go about rectifying the situation. It's always easier to speak to someone in person and explain the context etc, and if you approach people positively and in a friendly manner, they'll more than likely respond in kind.

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Just give Dogs Queensland a ring and give them your membership number and they will change your address.

Will they? I hope not - surely it has to be done in writing?

Why she/he is the only person with acess to the membership number.

If the person is not a member they may then require it in written form. :)

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Just give Dogs Queensland a ring and give them your membership number and they will change your address.

Will they? I hope not - surely it has to be done in writing?

Why she/he is the only person with acess to the membership number.

If the person is not a member they may then require it in written form. :)

Thats not true. If you have ever entered a show, trial etc the secretaries have you member ship number, anyone with a pup you have bred has your membership number and numerous other cases. I have even seen membership numbers in catalogues.

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Just give Dogs Queensland a ring and give them your membership number and they will change your address.

Will they? I hope not - surely it has to be done in writing?

Why she/he is the only person with acess to the membership number.

If the person is not a member they may then require it in written form. :)

Thats not true. If you have ever entered a show, trial etc the secretaries have you member ship number, anyone with a pup you have bred has your membership number and numerous other cases. I have even seen membership numbers in catalogues.

For goodness sake use a bit of common sence, what show secretary is going to give out a membership number ??????

Why would a complete stranger want to use your m/ship number. Anyway most times Dog Queensland will ring you back to verify the claim. I wasn't going to say that because if a smarty was trying something on they would soon be caught out would'nt they. :)

No m/ship numbers are used in Qld. catalogues.

Not even addresses are used in catalogues even the Royal only uses areas not addresses.

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How and why does it even matter what the address on his certificate is? If you are planning on showing/breeding then you will be a member and I assume your membership address is correct. If it's your actual name as well and you want to show/breed then, yes this would matter as "Jane Smith" beng the registered owner of Mr Zora would create all sorts of issues if it's actually "Joan Smith" that owns him. For a pet - doesn't really matter quite frankly. Certainly, get it sorted to give yourself the satisfaction if you want to but no need to lose any sleep over it until it's done.

As for his name - perhaps your choices were not acceptable to the CCCQ, there's plenty of reasons why a name you want may not end up being the name you get.

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How and why does it even matter what the address on his certificate is? If you are planning on showing/breeding then you will be a member and I assume your membership address is correct. If it's your actual name as well and you want to show/breed then, yes this would matter as "Jane Smith" beng the registered owner of Mr Zora would create all sorts of issues if it's actually "Joan Smith" that owns him. For a pet - doesn't really matter quite frankly. Certainly, get it sorted to give yourself the satisfaction if you want to but no need to lose any sleep over it until it's done.

As for his name - perhaps your choices were not acceptable to the CCCQ, there's plenty of reasons why a name you want may not end up being the name you get.

Wow- I may be way off but you sound so condescending!

All this person wanted was for her puppy's registration papers to be correct- Her NAME and ADDRESS were wrong- Why should it matter if the pup is on the limited or regular registry?- That is the whole point of having papers isn't it?

As for the name, well it just may be that that particular name wasn't available- but still the breeder should have made this known if this was the case to AVOID confusion.

It is hard getting a PB puppy/kitten from a breeder sometimes- the average person doesn't know about a lot of the things seasoned breeders do or expect.

All in all- The OP only wanted her correct details, which obviously didn't happen.

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Ataquin - if you go onto the Canine Control website there is a contact section. I contacted them when I didn't receive Ivy's papers and found them incredibly helpful. They should be able to tell you if its something you can correct or if its something the breeder needs to do. They can also contact the breeder on your behalf if need be.

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Just give Dogs Queensland a ring and give them your membership number and they will change your address.

Will they? I hope not - surely it has to be done in writing?

DogsSA changed my name over the phone - they were the ONLY place I spoke to that didn't require my marriage certificate to change it. :shrug:

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Just give Dogs Queensland a ring and give them your membership number and they will change your address.

Will they? I hope not - surely it has to be done in writing?

Why she/he is the only person with acess to the membership number.

If the person is not a member they may then require it in written form. :)

Thats not true. If you have ever entered a show, trial etc the secretaries have you member ship number, anyone with a pup you have bred has your membership number and numerous other cases. I have even seen membership numbers in catalogues.

For goodness sake use a bit of common sence, what show secretary is going to give out a membership number ??????

Why would a complete stranger want to use your m/ship number. Anyway most times Dog Queensland will ring you back to verify the claim. I wasn't going to say that because if a smarty was trying something on they would soon be caught out would'nt they. :)

No m/ship numbers are used in Qld. catalogues.

Not even addresses are used in catalogues even the Royal only uses areas not addresses.

They have changed my address a few times in the past 12 months over the phone.

Realistically, who on earth would falsely change someone 's address? Yep, someone giving you a hard time - and how likely is that? This is a dog organisation,, not a Swiss Bank A/c.

I can't believe that you have to produce x point of id to become a member. I would love to know how many people simply walk away. the main reason a lot of us don't have new bank accounts is because we couldn't be bothered with the hassle of points ---- how many more wouldn't bother to join. It is so difficult to get puppy buyers to join now.

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I thought membership numbers were on all pedigrees - they are in NSW. But you're probably right why bother with making sure its the right person on the phone asking to have their address changed - not very likely to be anyone else.

just seems odd they want an ID to prove where you live you renew but not if you change it. Why bother with an ID in the first place if you can just ring up and say you live somewhere else. Too hard.

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I thought membership numbers were on all pedigrees - they are in NSW. But you're probably right why bother with making sure its the right person on the phone asking to have their address changed - not very likely to be anyone else.

just seems odd they want an ID to prove where you live you renew but not if you change it. Why bother with an ID in the first place if you can just ring up and say you live somewhere else. Too hard.

Yes they are on the registration certificate but it is not indicated in any way what the number is.

It would only be another member that has a number that would recognise it for what it is.

Lets face it, it really has no great value to anyone other than yourself.

Yes we use it to enter shows and identify our selves for paid up membership and vote with but lets face it, all it is a heap of numbers on a card.

If any person tried using it other than yourself it would be picked up on the computer straight away. :) Could be worth a mention to the new President of Dogs Queensland and see if she thinks its worth taking off.

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