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Just Plain Weird

Fit for a King

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Generally I find taxidermy rather fascinating and artistic, but a lot of those were (as per website' name) crappy! or creepy to say the least

I confess, I like to be challenged to my deepest levels, and crappytaxadermy.com is on the extreme end of challenges with respect to the human/animal interaction. Also all over the map. Disturbing for its own sake, stretch your mind, gross you out, preach some ideology . . . the whole kit and kaboodle. . . . some are so abstract that I doubt there is any animal skin in the 'taxidermy' . . . but the aillusion to skin makes it poignant.

A few more examples . . . if anyone else wants to be provoked.




Long ago I did a little taxadermy, mostly on road kill. I guess as morbid fascinations go, it's pretty harmless. Interesting to know that others react to it.

edited to correct spelling and other errors.

Edited by sandgrubber
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