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Is The Movie Industry Guilty Of 'breed-ism'?


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Everyone always says it — the awards-show season is flawed. Safe, predictable choices often take top honors, while the brooding and more complex picks are prone to be left to the wayside.


Uggie may have celebrated the victory of "The Artist", at the Golden Globe Awards, but he'll face stiff competition at the Golden Collar Awards.

And this year is no exception. Just look at the nominees for first annual Golden Collar Awards, which, yes, are real awards. Blackie, the Doberman star of Scorsese’s Oscar-nominated film Hugo, was snubbed for Best Dog in a Theatrical Film category. Leading the pack, Uggie, a Jack Russell terrier, had two nominations; one for the critically acclaimed The Artist and another nomination for Water for Elephants.

A Hollywood stalwart like Scorsese isn’t going to take this type of overt prejudice lying down. He took to the pages of Sunday’s Los Angeles Times penning a “for your consideration” editorial to vent his frustration. Sure Uggie is cute and Blackie plays a menace who terrifies children, but as Scorsese points out nominations shouldn’t be handed out on cuteness alone. He writes:

“We all have fond memories of Rin Tin Tin and Lassie, the big stars, the heroes, but what about the antiheroes? We have learned to accept the human antihero, but when it comes to dogs, I guess we still have a long way to go.”

Scorsese then goes on to point out breed prejudice, dropping some serious canine knowledge.

“I detect another, more deep-seated prejudice at work. Jack Russell terriers were bred in the 19th century for the purposes of fox hunting by an Englishman, the Rev. John Russell. Dobermans were bred by a German tax collector who was afraid of being bludgeoned to death by the citizenry. But does that mean we must condemn the entire breed?”

As Gawker points out, the editorial is well written and pretty convincing. Scorsese calls on readers to let the organizers of the Golden Collar Awards, Dog News Daily, know breed prejudice will not be taken lightly.

Editor Alan Siskind has responded to the challenge, saying they will do “what Mr. Scorsese so eloquently requests.” If Blackie gets 500 write-in nominations on the Dog News Daily Facebook page by February 6, she will be added as the sixth nominee for the award handed out Monday, February 13.”

By the looks of it, Blackie is well on her way to a nomination. Several hundred people have already shown their support. Which pups will Blackie be up against? Watch the nomination announcement below.

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/01/30/is-the-movie-industry-guilty-of-dog-breed-ism/#ixzz1l24OXFiA

Edited by Jumabaar
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I reckon the movie industry helps create breedism not just guilty of stereotyping it...... Take that bleeters!

So many times I have seen dogs in roles cast as the bad asses when in reality those particular dogs are very well trained super canine citizens within the dog world. but eh the writers have an idea to portray for the script, the director knows what works for the writing presumably.

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