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Who Has Kids, And How Involved Are They?


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Thanks blackdogs :) My boy turns 2 on the 2nd of April! He has his Australian champion title, I am hoping for a grand champion as he has a lot in his lines...bu don't know how long that's gonna take :laugh: I love him so much, definatly the best dog in the world! How old is yours? :)

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I have 2 kids and they have no input into the dogs at all. Like someone else said, the dogs are mine and I was the one who wanted each and every one of them and am prepared to care for them. The kids love the dogs and will play, cuddle and sometimes sleep with one of them but that's really it.

I made the mistake of getting cat's for my eldest daughter (who is about to turn 13) and although she loves them, she needs to be reminded constantly to feed them and clean out the litter trays. Never again! I've told her that when she leaves home she has to take all of them with her.

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I don't have children and I don't plan on having any my pets are my children, But in saying that I do have a niece who can be a little to rough with animals so I watch her. I do not allow my niece to try and train any of my dogs as she can cause them to go backwards in training. She still trys to train them which I tell her no as she does it all wrong. My niece is 10 years old and has adhd and finds it very hard to listen to people.

In saying that I got Buddy my 13 year old male golden retriever when I was 14 years old altho my parents paid for his food,vet treatment etc. It was up to me to groom him,train him,feed him and exercise him, Everyday before school I would play with him and feed him, then when I got home from school I spent all my time with him. I would play with him,take him for a walk,train him, If my friends wanted to play with me they knew they had to include Buddy in the games too. In saying that I spent more time with Buddy then I did with any of my friends, Buddy was and still is my best friend I sit beside him and talk to him and when I was upset I would always talk to him and cuddle him. Buddy gave more comfort,love and friendship then my human friends would. But I always grew up with animals even when I was born my parents had pets, I grew up loving animals and still do my pets are my life. I guess it really depends on the child and how they were brought up, I couldn't deny a child to grow up without having a pet around. But in saying that I wouldn't expect a child to take full responability of a pet the parents should always have the responability the animal is looked after etc and let the child have fun but also help with the pet eg feeding,exercise,cleaning,grooming.

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Thanks blackdogs :) My boy turns 2 on the 2nd of April! He has his Australian champion title, I am hoping for a grand champion as he has a lot in his lines...bu don't know how long that's gonna take :laugh: I love him so much, definatly the best dog in the world! How old is yours? :)

She is 9 months old, so smart and so mischievious! :laugh:

Well done on the Championship. :thumbsup:

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I got the dogs primarily for me; but it's also really important that they are family dogs as well.

The kids help out with training and care, and they love to spend a lot of time with the dogs. My daughter loves playing with our playful dog and our son is really big on giving them tonnes of adoring attention :D

often he says to me "oh look mum, Digby is being sooooo adorable right now!" and he's always recounting funny and cute things to me that the dogs have done.

The kids don't have set chores to do with the dogs but they are always helping out voluntarily and they are always helping with the latest training thing I'm attempting.

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I think if your kids show an interest great show them a few things, but at the end of the day be prepared to be committed 150% and your kids to have no commitment... this will be their family dog till they are 10yro or older...but for you its a third child and will need a lot of time and attention...

I think parents make a mistake of getting dogs when kids are young, because they get them "for the kids" my parents did it, I know a whole bunch of people whose parents did it and now they have a sour taste in their mouth of when "we had a dog and you kids never looked after it, I did"...this may just be personal experience but If i was a parent i would get a dog because I wanted one, the kids involvement would be on a novelty level.


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I don't have kids, but I can't imagine giving the kid any say at all. I would pick the breed for what I want to use it for. Maybe consult the kid on colour of the collar and name, but ultimately have veto if I don't think it's a good idea.

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I got our dog for me and I am totally responsible for his care. I chose the breed, his name etc, though the breeder selected the pup she thought best for a family with kids. Although I wanted a dog suitable for our family, I wouldn't ever buy a dog for young kids.

My kids have participated in some of his training. My 10 year old was less interested than my 5 year old at helping with training. Bruno responds beautifully to instructions from the 5year old (simple commands like 'come, sit, and down'). I'm happy for them to help more if they are interested but won't push them. They have other chores that they are responsible for around the house. The 10 year old has his own small pets that he is responsible for (fish). :)

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