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Purebred Sibes In A Pet Shop Window


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Okay I love and adore Siberian Huskies but always felt they were a "specialist breed" in terms of training and fencing etc.

So I'm sitting here on DOL when my daughter who has taken her little sister shopping at XXXXXX XXXXX sends me a text with a really sad face showing of two Sibe Puppies in the Petshop at the Mall.

Poor Babies, I hate seeing large breeds in Pets Shop even more than the smaller ones and that usually gets my goat.

\There are also the regular Beagliers, Maltese X, Shihtzu X mini Poodles, and Japanese Spitz X Shihtzu. But Sibes C'mon. :(

Edited by LizT
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I saw a shar pei in a pet shop box for 4 months at a price of $3,000.00... his nails were so long they were starting to curl over and his coat was starting to become thin in some spots..

It should just be illegal to sell pets at the markets, petshops, and websites....

Edited by GussysMum
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Unfortunately Sibes are really common in pet shops because they're pretty and lots of people want them thanks to movies where they're featured. It really annoys me because they do need a LOT of work in terms of training and they can be escape artists and they love to run (my girl has a pretty good recall but if she gets out, she gives me the finger and is not coming back until she wants to) and the people who sell them at pet shops make them out to be fantastic pets that require little training. That's why so many of them end up in pounds. :(

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I see them a fare bit in a certain pet shop near us.. always for $1200 and always people tapping at the window saying do I don't I..

Lol last weekend I was walking past and a family was there and the father took out his wallet, I said no don't do it blah blah lol.. They looked at me like I was a looney.. So sad..

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I see them a fare bit in a certain pet shop near us.. always for $1200 and always people tapping at the window saying do I don't I..

Lol last weekend I was walking past and a family was there and the father took out his wallet, I said no don't do it blah blah lol.. They looked at me like I was a looney.. So sad..

One of my favs is when I see an old couple ahhhing and cooing at the window and talking about getting a pup 'cos Fido has been gone now for two years etc. etc. and I pipe up with Yes, they are cute....but I would pay $X,XXX for a cross breed, to which the husband usually responds with "Yes, that's a lot isn't it! hehehehe Then I continue with. Hmmm.. you would pay about that much for a purebred from a Breeder and I toddle off. Turn around and they are talking and walking away. :D

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well when you see Malinois and dutch shepherds and their crosses in pet shop windows you don't hope for much any time soon ... money money money money money

Say there's an idea, after all they are such reponsive easy to train dogs as you know. Every novice could manage to train one as the ideal family pet, impossible to muck up, so well trained it wouldn't need to be on lead when walked etc. What a money spinner. ;)

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Say there's an idea, after all they are such reponsive easy to train dogs as you know. Every novice could manage to train one as the ideal family pet, impossible to muck up, so well trained it wouldn't need to be on lead when walked etc. What a money spinner.

Yes the pet shop was heard quoting that because the dutch shepherd was crossed it would be really calm and the perfect pet for a CHILD.

Some people need beating about the head with a blunt instrument.

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Say there's an idea, after all they are such reponsive easy to train dogs as you know. Every novice could manage to train one as the ideal family pet, impossible to muck up, so well trained it wouldn't need to be on lead when walked etc. What a money spinner.

Yes the pet shop was heard quoting that because the dutch shepherd was crossed it would be really calm and the perfect pet for a CHILD.

Some people need beating about the head with a blunt instrument.

:banghead::banghead::banghead: Yes, why should we be the ones with all the headaches.

OH and I were in a shopping centre with a Petshop that sells pups the other day and the staff were rolling up the bedding and cleaning out the windows as it was closing time soon.

"They take the pups home overnight don't they?" asked OH hopefully. I just shrugged as I couldn't really say for sure though I've never seen a trolly with pups leave the shopping centre at closing time either. :confused:

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OH and I were in a shopping centre with a Petshop that sells pups the other day and the staff were rolling up the bedding and cleaning out the windows as it was closing time soon.

"They take the pups home overnight don't they?" asked OH hopefully. I just shrugged as I couldn't really say for sure though I've never seen a trolly with pups leave the shopping centre at closing time either. :confused:

Nope, they don't. I used to work upstairs from a pet shop (which has closed, yay!) and we'd hear the puppies crying when we were there late at night over Christmas doing catalogue setup. :(

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OH and I were in a shopping centre with a Petshop that sells pups the other day and the staff were rolling up the bedding and cleaning out the windows as it was closing time soon.

"They take the pups home overnight don't they?" asked OH hopefully. I just shrugged as I couldn't really say for sure though I've never seen a trolly with pups leave the shopping centre at closing time either. :confused:

Nope, they don't. I used to work upstairs from a pet shop (which has closed, yay!) and we'd hear the puppies crying when we were there late at night over Christmas doing catalogue setup. :(

That's what I'd always thought. I suppose at least they aren't being subjected to being packed up and shunted around everyday. :(

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It should just be illegal to sell pets at the markets, petshops, and websites....

Ahhh. But Dogzonline is a website... And many breeders have their own websites where they advertise litters. Plus Pet rescue is also a website...

Where do people end up looking to find pets?

Blanket statements like this are the reason breeders won't support things like Oscar's Law... Generic condemnations end up making things harder for the people trying to do the rght thing anyway.

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I was at Animates (the large chain pet store here) when a guy was working hard to sell a Border Collie x Huntaway to a family that lived in the city with 2 young children and had never owned a dog before. Great, an intelligent tireless working dog bred to herd by using it's very, very loud bark!

I can't believe they will sell Sibes in stores, it's insane... Sibes are great, but I think they are the only breed that I see more adults for sale online than puppies, they hit 6 months and people go arghh what have I done!!! Need responsible owners, not the sort of people who will buy a puppy on a whim at the store.

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I was at Animates (the large chain pet store here) when a guy was working hard to sell a Border Collie x Huntaway to a family that lived in the city with 2 young children and had never owned a dog before. Great, an intelligent tireless working dog bred to herd by using it's very, very loud bark!

I can't believe they will sell Sibes in stores, it's insane... Sibes are great, but I think they are the only breed that I see more adults for sale online than puppies, they hit 6 months and people go arghh what have I done!!! Need responsible owners, not the sort of people who will buy a puppy on a whim at the store.

Yep, there always seems to be some on the Rescue site here on DOL. There are 6 today. :(

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Wow, that petstore has a lot of puppies at one time, that's distugsting :mad

At the same time, I work in a petstore which sells puppies, however he very rarely have them, take only small breeds, and make sure people know the breed that the puppy has in them, for example, a jack russel has really high energy blah blah. The people can't take them straight away, they have a 3 day cooling off period, come with desexing voucher, microchip, puppy preschool pamphlets etc. I really think more petstores should run like this, because it teaches people to be responsible. But I would choose a breeder/rescue to get a dog/pup from over a pet shop any day!

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I was at Animates (the large chain pet store here) when a guy was working hard to sell a Border Collie x Huntaway to a family that lived in the city with 2 young children and had never owned a dog before. Great, an intelligent tireless working dog bred to herd by using it's very, very loud bark!

I can't believe they will sell Sibes in stores, it's insane... Sibes are great, but I think they are the only breed that I see more adults for sale online than puppies, they hit 6 months and people go arghh what have I done!!! Need responsible owners, not the sort of people who will buy a puppy on a whim at the store.

Yup, when I was volunteering at the local animal shelter for 4 years, huskies and malamutes were a fairly common sight :(

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A "friend" of mine bought a husky pup from a local pet shop with not much change out of $2,000. He then came to me asking how to enter dog shows.

When I told him he couldn't suddenly he couldn't keep the puppy anymore and rehomed it. :mad

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