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What Fruit And Veges Do Your Dogs Like


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I do realise about grapes :)

Our dogs love them ... and have always eaten them, but for a couple of years I haven't let them pick their own like they used to.

Its not one or two that's a problem.

But when they develop a taste for them and help themselves to a bowl of grapes on a coffee table, it becomes a problem

Same for all the foods that are toxic to dogs.

My dogs eat grapes too.

But they've only ever had a couple and they only get them once every five years. ;)


PS Not looking for the article now. Going for a swim. :D

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Having lived with a dog that regularly stripped whole grape vines (15-20 bunches of grapes) in a morning I can assure anyone that's concerned that grapes are not toxic to all dogs. Unfortunately the end result wasn't all that great for the concrete :laugh:

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Perry hates banana but will eat pretty well anything else. She is particularly fond of strawberries and raspberries - She will be 9 next month and I have not had one strawberry out of my fairly large strawberry patch since she arrived. She loves asparagus as well and now I just buy double the quantity I want so she gets her own - she particularly likes it barbecued with a little drizzle of balsamic. Sweet potato and carrots are a regular part of her dinner - she is not keen on brussels sprouts but will eat them and she has decided she loves roast broccoli and cauliflower.

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Having lived with a dog that regularly stripped whole grape vines (15-20 bunches of grapes) in a morning I can assure anyone that's concerned that grapes are not toxic to all dogs. Unfortunately the end result wasn't all that great for the concrete :laugh:

I have 7 acres of pinot noir and if grapes were toxic to my dogs they would be dead. At harvest time they spend the whole day browsing grapes the harvesters drop.

I've asked, on a vintners forum, if anyone had ever had problems with their dogs getting sick eating grapes. The answer was a uniform NO.

There may be dogs who have a problem with grapes, but most dogs are fine eating them.

My dogs (Labs) love carrots, apples, bananas, cucumber, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, beans, radishes, daikon, cucumbers, jicama, peppers (including jalepanos), spinach and most other veggies. They don't like citrus. They are happy to eat lettuce if it has salad dressing on it. My old girl will also drink up vinegar at the bottom of a salad bowl (I often use balsamic + garlic as a dressing with no oil).

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If it's consumable Zeus will eat it -- he eats things even if they're not consumable too!!

Kirah's a little more picky. She won't eat lettuce and shes our 3rd Aussie Terrier who won't go near peas. Maybe it's a breed thing.

Zeus pulls apples off our tree and shares them with Kirah but she has a preference for snails, lizards and frogs. I think it's the crunch of snails because she's always snuffling around for them. Ewwww!!

Zeus even liked the hot Tabasco sauce I placed on stockings dangled from the clothesline to deter him from pulling washing off!

Edited by RiverStar-Aura
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Sweet potato is my tibbie girls' daily staple. Nutritionally rich vegetable. The vet told me that he often recommends it for the diets of dogs that have skin conditions. Mine don't. But since I've added sweet potato, the groomer has asked me what am I feeding my girls, because of the healthy state of their fur.

Mita, do you cook it or grate it into their food raw?

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My 2 dogs love banana and hassle me everyday at breakfast for a piece or two :laugh: they also like peaches and nectarines :)

i have a apricot tree and every year i have to pick them all off before the dogs get to them ... sasha isnt bothered with them but Lacey will eat them either green or ripe!

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So far Benny likes most things I've given him.. Especially Brocolli and Carrot! I chop them up and freeze them so he uses it for teething on, rather than using my arm!

I gave him a little bit of banana this morning and he was a little tentative..

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apple, banana, carrot, mango, pears, nashis, grapes, capsicum, strawberries, tomatoes, peas, beans, mulberries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, watermelon..

Hi persphone. :)

Grapes are not recommended for dogs.


Tralee can they have seedless grapes, I just had a feeling I read that somewhere??

Edit silly tablet..

Edited by mumof4girls
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