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Neat, clean, colour and style to suit the breed.

We show Standard poodles, so something you can run in and skirts not too short. The most expensive suit has been purchased for $20 at an Op Shop so you don't have to spend a fortune to look presentable.

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I have worn a normal t shirts and a vest during the warm weather.

I think I should elaborate, it just depends on the shows.

As I am a guy, most shows I wear a coloured shirt with vest and a grey pants, and black runners as it is easier and comfortable to wear as oppose to a nice shoes.

Normally under International judges and big shows I bring out my suits, but the shirts and all remains the same. I like to mix and match my shirts and tie, so it doesn't get boring or old! I'm even shopping on ebay for more shirt colours, and am looking at green and orange and maybe pink! :laugh:

But as I said, if the weather is warm about 34 and indoors, I won't wear anything longsleeves, as I find it more cooler and comfortable outdoors.

However, I have seen some show with sandles and thongs on!!! :rofl: I will admit to seeing one exhibitor wear a shirt that says "News Flash, I don't care!" (Admittedly it was funny to see!) But as Shaar says below and is right, the judge is being appointed to judge dogs, not what you wear!

I personally love my suits and coloured shirt, it makes each show a challenge with matching a tie to the shirt. But unfortunately I have one colour that I have a "don't touch or wear policy" and that is red, and it personally saddens me as I use to do so well in the colour, now every time I wear it, all dogs I take in just get bad luck! :(

Edited by Tambaqui
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Hi Blitz3,

I think the presentation of the handler is just as important as the presentation of the dog.

I was told years ago by a professional handler to always suit up, if your a lady have hair, makeup done and wear a skirt suit, the once I have shown in pants wad when at Wodonga there was three inches of mud.

my 11 year old daughter shows in her suit as well, personally I feel it finishes the look......

Good luck :)

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Anything is acceptable, the judge is looking at the dog, not you.

I have seen people showing in everything from gumboots and jeans to full dress suits in the same class and it had no bearing on the outcome.

Edit - The only thing I will mention is to wear a color that compliments the dog. ie: If you have a black dog, don't wear black pants or the dog can get lost in the sea of black.

Edited by Shaar
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Ive done the full glam suit with gumboots and done pretty well with them on! If the judge can wear them, i can too if im running around in mud and slush!

Big NO-No's...

Thongs or sandals, no open toed shoes at all. (seen judges excuse exhibitors from the ring for wearing sandals, even it it was 35 degrees)

Skirts that are way too short or way too tight. (the length of your jacket should be the same length of your skirt, they should look equal)

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  On 24/01/2012 at 6:57 AM, Tambaqui said:

I have worn a normal t shirts and a vest during the warm weather.

I think I should elaborate, it just depends on the shows.

As I am a guy, most shows I wear a coloured shirt with vest and a grey pants, and black runners as it is easier and comfortable to wear as oppose to a nice shoes.

Normally under International judges and big shows I bring out my suits, but the shirts and all remains the same. I like to mix and match my shirts and tie, so it doesn't get boring or old! I'm even shopping on ebay for more shirt colours, and am looking at green and orange and maybe pink! :laugh:

But as I said, if the weather is warm about 34 and indoors, I won't wear anything longsleeves, as I find it more cooler and comfortable outdoors.

However, I have seen some show with sandles and thongs on!!! :rofl: I will admit to seeing one exhibitor wear a shirt that says "News Flash, I don't care!" (Admittedly it was funny to see!) But as Shaar says below and is right, the judge is being appointed to judge dogs, not what you wear!

I personally love my suits and coloured shirt, it makes each show a challenge with matching a tie to the shirt. But unfortunately I have one colour that I have a "don't touch or wear policy" and that is red, and it personally saddens me as I use to do so well in the colour, now every time I wear it, all dogs I take in just get bad luck! :(

Are you having a dig at me for when I unexpectedly had to take in second place in Junior. :eek::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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  On 24/01/2012 at 8:59 AM, Entourage said:

Ive done the full glam suit with gumboots and done pretty well with them on! If the judge can wear them, i can too if im running around in mud and slush!

Big NO-No's...

Thongs or sandals, no open toed shoes at all. (seen judges excuse exhibitors from the ring for wearing sandals, even it it was 35 degrees)

Skirts that are way too short or way too tight. (the length of your jacket should be the same length of your skirt, they should look equal)

Thanks for that tip Entourage :) My skirts tend to be just above knee length, though I wouldn't apply that rule if I was wearing one of my bolero-style jackets - no-one needs to see that much of my chicken legs :laugh:

I feel more confident when wearing a suit - part of a "fake it until I make it" strategy. I leave my very expensive cashmere work suits at home and mostly wear stuff I've picked up on ebay or Facebook 2nd hand. In winter if it's very cold I'll wear a long sleeved shirt, pants and then a nice cardigan that I can layer with a jacket or trench coat.

I think it also depends on the weather - we did a show where the grounds were flooded ankle deep and I ditched the suit, wore a nice business shirt, wrap around cardigan with some cotton slacks and waterproof boots.

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I find there are two trends of thought: One is that you want to wear a colour that will make your dog stand out (think opposite end of the colour scale) so that you aren't as noticeable. Another was told to me by a show trainer who said that you have to be the whole package. When she was showing she used to be the one with a shiteload of jewellery so that she was memorable to the judge. I seem to tend towards the former but I'm currently trying to find my 'style' so that I compliement my dogs; am unique to other exhibitors in the ring but not too OTT so as to be ridiculous! Haven't got there yet LOL

In both cases however, one thing remains: be neat, tidy and presentable as a mark of respect if anything else to the judge. I nearly always wear make up and hair is tied off the face to keep it neat whilst running and stacking (think Cousin It otherwise!). I have yet to find a skirt that suits my shape so I stick to pants. Being comfortable means that you are more confident in yourself and not self conscious, which will travel down the lead.

The biggest no-no's women make (that I have seen) are the 'hello boys' moment when they wear too short a skirt so when they bend over to stack a dog you can see EVERYTHING! The other are women with big tits with inadequate scaffolding - can lead to black eyes you know! The only puppies that should be set free to run around are those with the four legs!

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I think you should be neat and well presented when in the ring.

How far you wish to go is up to you.

I personally love the full suit and to have matching leads etc. Although I have been known to wear black jeans and a jacket with gumboots when the weather is crappy. There is no way I'm ruining one of my expensive suits with mud.

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  On 24/01/2012 at 10:51 PM, stonecutter said:

Hmmm - I never wear makeup, maybe I should start. I wear glasses, so I figure eye make up is a waste, but I usually just use a nice lip gloss.

I occasionally wear makeup but I also wear glasses... the other day it was weird humid/hot and I was just about to run back into the ring - my glasses fogged up!! I'm just glad I didn't wear makeup because my face was rather moist!

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I don't bother with makeup if the weather is hot and humid. I do at the bigger shows and when I know I am not going to end up melting.

I usually wear slacks and a shirt with or without jacket depending on temperature. I have a few skirt suits but tend to only wear them at the bigger shows. In fact the only time I wear a skirt is at a show!

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I wear colours that don't clash with the dogs. Since most of my dogs are black that means I wear anything but black and dark navy blue. We also have a couple of red dogs and when I show them I have to avoid red based colours :laugh:

I usually stick with blues of various shades, but also have a light green and a purple suit and sometimes where cream coloured pants.

So I mix it up with bright colours and more sedate colours :D I figure the judge should be watching the dog ;)

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  On 25/01/2012 at 6:36 AM, blitz3 said:

do you wear colours that make you stand out?

Yes I do.

White is a great colour to have in a dog, it leaves my clothing options wide open.

I only really need to avoid light colours like cream, white, pale grey and pastel pink everything else is wide open.

I love bold colours in the ring like red, bright pink, silver, black, dark purple and blue.

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