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Pup Won't Pee


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I have a 7 month old Border Collie pup that i bred and he won't pee when we go places.

He seemed fine when younger as I used to take him places all the time and it wasn't an issue then and he would pee etc when he needed to.

As he is now older he will just hold on.

I first noticed it when I took him away to a dog trial with all the other dogs/pups for a weekend and he only went once (in back of car) over the whole weekend. I walked him , ran him in paddocks, walked him around the blocks off lead to give him any chance he needed when we were away but nothing. Then when I put him back in the ute, he peed. 1st time ever in the cage too I might add. He was 5 months old then.

It hasn't been an issue til now as I haven't taken them places for long periods. I took him to work the other night and I had him in the car and let him out for toilet breaks every few hours. He did not pee once. So he had held on from 1pm til 1:30am. Then when we got home, he cocked his leg for ages rofl1.gif

So I took him to work for the next 3 nights as I thought maybe the next night, once he had been there before, he would be ok. NOPE. He held on for another 10 hours til we got home.

This happened 4 nights running. I fed him there, let him loose in carpark, on lawn, in backyard, but no pee. So last night he again held on for 13 hours til we got home.

Now the problem is that I am going away for 4 whole days and taking the dogs with me so am worried about him holding his bladder for too long then ending up with a UTI or something when we are away in the country.

Any suggestions on how to get this silly dog to relieve himself when not at home. He eats and drinks fine away but nothing else

Edited by dasha
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:) train him to toilet on command . easy :p

When he starts peeing at home.. say '"toilet", or "Busy" , or whatever your chosen word is ...and immediately praise him ..(but not too excitedly, so he stops what he's doing ) After a few days of this, say the word when he's about to start peeing - when you see him squat or start lifting a leg ..lots of praise again... and so on .Do it also on lead when he's mastered it ..and you will have a dog you can safely take anywhere and know that toileting will be quick & safe :)

To start him off ..gather a bit of soil/grass on which he's pee'd at home ..and place near a spot on which he is allowed to toilet at work ..

That, and for dogs taken everywhere.."Drink" is another good command .. sometimes pups/dogs are too excited, or a bit hesitant ..but if they are used to drinking and hearing "drink" ..the it can work well . I also stop my dogs drinking, if I feel they are gulping too much at once ... Just "That'll do " ...and they halt for a little while ..

all these things do make life simpler for us poor humans :)

Edited by persephone
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lol, I've had a couple of borders that are like that. Especially peeing or pooing on lead.

He might pee after one of the other dogs has peed. Poppy will pee after Amber has peed but not out by herself.

I sort of have to pretend I am not watching either and bushes/trees are needed.

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:) train him to toilet on command . easy :p

This. :) My older girl didn't like to toilet when we weren't home as well, when we got the younger girl we taught them both the same toilet command and she's now heaps better. She can still be a bit contrary about doing a poo (though going away for four days made her realise that she can't hold that long!), and will do it away from home but only if she's not on lead.

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I agree with trying to train him to toilet on command.

That was one of the first commands Willow learnt.

So much easier than standing there with her on a lead until she decided to toilet, now I just take her out say "toilet" and she goes.

Maverick doesn't like to toilet in public so holds it as long as he can, but in the end if we are out for extended periods, he will eventually go.

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My Kelpie is doing the same thing. Although she does give in and pee after 8hrs

I have taken to making a big fuss of her at home when she toilets there. Which has meant she now expects that attention when we go out- and I give it to her. I usually give her treats for toileting when we are out and its generally the biggest event for the day. She has SLOWLY got to the point where toileting is seen as a positive when we go out and she managed to pee within an hour of going away last week. Her sister...... She still waits till she is about to burst before she gives in. (their mother marks constantly when we go out so its all new to me)

I would love to know an easier remedy- cuing has not worked for her. I know of other dogs that do hold on for 2 days at a time :eek:

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My Manchester doesn't hold pee in (on her first season she started marking - now I can just take her next to a tree or similar and she will go on command) but she has never ever done a number 2 at our dog grounds or anywhere in public - we recently went away for a few days and thankfully she did do number 2 morning and night so it seems that she can't hold on forever thankfully.

Hope your dog has to give in and pee sooner or later :eek: Four days is a long time to hold!

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It is a common problem with Borders. They are so easy to housetrain but get it into their mind that they can only go in the yard at home. Entire males do grow out of it as the instinct to mark things kicks in but other than that a trip away is a good solution. They cannot hold on forever and will eventually go while you are away so you can praise like mad and let them know it is ok. Try to get a command word going before the trip away and that should make it a little easier but you still might be walking around a lot the first night.

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My greyhound bitch is now 5 and is just starting to wee when away from home, longest time she held on was 16 hrs, it's nothing for her to hold on for 12 hrs regularly when being shown. First showed up at 3 months of age. Her son, who is currently 7 months old is exactly the same. Bitch knows what "do wees" means, in fact she will squat but do nothing in an effort to please me. I just accept it as being part of her and so far no UTI's. I hope her son's habit will change as he matures and his hormones kick in!

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We have taught Wilbur to pee/poop on command. The ante-cedent for this behaviour is putting his lead on; so i can give him the command when we are out or before he gets in the car. Normally Wilbur doesn't have access to the front garden, but i make him evacuate there before he gets in the car or leaves the front yard for a walk. Even when i'm taking him outside for his last evacuation of the night, i still put his lead on. It also allows me to control his behaviour at night when i take him; on a lead he can't run off and play instead of evacuate.

Hope you find a solution to your problem

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My Manchester doesn't hold pee in (on her first season she started marking - now I can just take her next to a tree or similar and she will go on command) but she has never ever done a number 2 at our dog grounds or anywhere in public - we recently went away for a few days and thankfully she did do number 2 morning and night so it seems that she can't hold on forever thankfully.

Hope your dog has to give in and pee sooner or later :eek: Four days is a long time to hold!

Wilbur has NO shame. Last week he pooped on the sidewalk of our local high street shopping area while we were walking to a cafe :laugh: A few months ago he pooped while he was in the water at the beach; it had to be a sight watching me trying to catch his floaters in the waves :rofl:

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Wilbur has NO shame. Last week he pooped on the sidewalk of our local high street shopping area while we were walking to a cafe :laugh: A few months ago he pooped while he was in the water at the beach; it had to be a sight watching me trying to catch his floaters in the waves :rofl:

:rofl: Mine has no shame either, although when he poops on walks he first has to lift his leg to pee and them starts pooping while one back leg is still in the air :confused:

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Wilbur has NO shame. Last week he pooped on the sidewalk of our local high street shopping area while we were walking to a cafe :laugh: A few months ago he pooped while he was in the water at the beach; it had to be a sight watching me trying to catch his floaters in the waves :rofl:

:rofl: Mine has no shame either, although when he poops on walks he first has to lift his leg to pee and them starts pooping while one back leg is still in the air :confused:

i'd REALLY like to see a video of that; it would be hilarious :rofl:

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My dog refused to go on anything but grass when he was a pup - very frustrating considering we were living in an apartment in the city at the time. The poor thing had a 10 minute walk to the park every morning before he could pee. He didn't start lifting his leg intil he was about 15 months but about that time he started to pee in other places.

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Thanks for the ideas.

Even at home, he will not toilet near the house or on lead.

He always races down the back paddock in the bush then comes back when he's done. Then he will play. All the other dogs play first then you think they are done because they have had plenty of time, only to find you start penning them again and then they toilet.

Now I know what the trick is I only let 2 out at a time so they toilet then when they are done I can let the rest out.

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My 13 month old bc girl has always had an issue with going to the toilet on lead but is getting better with age & if I take her to where my boy has been

she wil go straight away. At home she is so organised, ready for bed, takes herself outside to toilet an hour before bedtime .

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Thanks for the ideas.

Even at home, he will not toilet near the house or on lead.

He always races down the back paddock in the bush then comes back when he's done. Then he will play. All the other dogs play first then you think they are done because they have had plenty of time, only to find you start penning them again and then they toilet.

Now I know what the trick is I only let 2 out at a time so they toilet then when they are done I can let the rest out.

Just putting it out there- perhaps you need to put a long line on him to teach him that he can go in front of you?? Franky will toilet better if a stranger holds her lead or if she is off lead when I go out, compared to me holding the lead.

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i'd REALLY like to see a video of that; it would be hilarious :rofl:

It's quite odd, this same dog also near falls over when he lifts his leg and he has bumped his willy on more than a few trees trying to do his vertical leg lift... It's certainly a sight to see :rofl:

To the OP, I would follow him around the yard at a distance and when you see him toilet just praise him like crazy, even if you are 50 metres away. Each time get a little closer to him and eventually try a long lead.

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I feel your pain as I have a bitch who for a long time would not pee when away from home. She once went three days :eek: when we were away at a show and I cut the trip short as I was concerned. With her I put it down to the fact that I had not really taught her to pee while on lead when at home and she liked her 'privacy' :laugh: It was frustrating though I can tell you! What changed things for her though was when she was away from home being boarded at a vets for several weeks (for AI) where she was walked on lead every day to toilet. She had no choice but to go so she learnt to do it. Life is so much easier with her now and I have learnt to always teach pups to go to the toilet when on lead at home so they don't become 'shy'.

The boys I admit I tend to find easier as they like to mark so putting them near a tree other dogs have gone on often helps (though I have one that will even poo up a tree :laugh: ).

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