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Are You Not Allowed To Dislike Certains Dogs Around Here?


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I have breeds which I don't like as much as others, one of which is a very popular breed but I just don't find them attractive at all and their personality in general doesn't match me. But I have met GORGEOUS examples of this breed, as well as living with one (who is not my dog) but I will never own one.

I too check out dogs wherever I go, and comment =] Its rubbing off too - my fiancee the other day "Oh, is that a white swiss shepherd? Beautiful dog" I was so proud!

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I don't think I have ever "disliked" a dog....how do you do that? it's a dog. They aren't like people, they aren't rude, snobby, nasty by nature, cruel etc.

A dog is the product of it's owner and the way it has been raised, I could never dislike a dog because someone didn't socialise it properly or beat it up to the point of it being fear aggressive......

There are breeds I like better than others but that is a preference, not a personal thing. I just wouldn't have one of them, I dont actively dislike them, I think that's a bit strange. JMO though.

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Guest muttrus

HATE to two little dogs behind me who bark all day everyday (even my dogs hate them) Their owner is deaf no joke so never hears them I hate the white fluffy thing across the road who barks non stop when its owners go out I hate the dog next door who barks at nothing --and hate its owners who get home late everynight and persist in playing with it and a squeeky toy .I hate the two fluffy things up the road who constantly bark everyday I walk past --even though I walk on the side of the road .I hate the fluffy thing that escapes its yard when I walk my dog and bites my dog on his back leg ---I go the long way now

I like more breeds than others but since I deal with mutts Id have to say they should make them a breed of their own hahahahahhaha

But most of all can't stand their owners --for not giving them a better yard,more time,training a walk a toy etc

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I love my dogs, and love/like a few others (normally well trained, well behaced dogs), but I don't consider myself a dog lover. I don't see a dog and go all mushy. I don't actively dislike other dogs, I just don't like them, if that makes sense.

I don't want to turn this into another nature vs nuture argument, but a dogs' breeding has a lot of input into how a dog will turn out. Just because a dog is aggressive doesn't mean that the owner is bad. Genetics is a very powerful factor in how a dog turns out. It really, really bugs me when people adopt the simplistic "there are no such things as bad dogs, jut bad owners" argument. I agree that there are no "bad" dogs, because "bad" implies some sort of moral judgement. Dogs don't have this. But there are dogs that aren't suited to life in the 'burbs with people.

I have an aggressive dog. I am a good owner. Sick of being bashed on this forum.

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HATE to two little dogs behind me who bark all day everyday (even my dogs hate them) Their owner is deaf no joke so never hears them I hate the white fluffy thing across the road who barks non stop when its owners go out I hate the dog next door who barks at nothing --and hate its owners who get home late everynight and persist in playing with it and a squeeky toy .I hate the two fluffy things up the road who constantly bark everyday I walk past --even though I walk on the side of the road .I hate the fluffy thing that escapes its yard when I walk my dog and bites my dog on his back leg ---I go the long way now

I like more breeds than others but since I deal with mutts Id have to say they should make them a breed of their own hahahahahhaha

But most of all can't stand their owners --for not giving them a better yard,more time,training a walk a toy etc

Wow you live near lots of out of control fluff pots by the sound of it!

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I've had the odd rude comment about my dog (a Chinese Crested) and while I admit he is a bit weird I do think he is the most beautiful dog in the world. I don't think the popularity of those silly competitions for the ugliest dog do the breed any favours seeing as a Crestie won. Google ugly dog and guess what breed comes up 1st every time. My son tells me everyday how ugly my dog is and I recently added a Boxer to our family and when I told my sister she said "oh another ugly dog". How rude! One wouldn't be so rude as to say someones baby is ugly (and let me tell you I've seen a few ugly babies)

And yet there was one occasion when I was walking my Crestie and a couple were following slowly in their car...I thought I was being stalked, then they stopped jumped out and came up to me to tell me they had been admiring my dog because he was so cute, wanting more info on him, and patting him ect. He thought it was great (he loves human attention).

There's a few breeds who I think are the ugliest dogs but I would never say it out loud to the owners. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

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Guest donatella

HATE to two little dogs behind me who bark all day everyday (even my dogs hate them) Their owner is deaf no joke so never hears them I hate the white fluffy thing across the road who barks non stop when its owners go out I hate the dog next door who barks at nothing --and hate its owners who get home late everynight and persist in playing with it and a squeeky toy .I hate the two fluffy things up the road who constantly bark everyday I walk past --even though I walk on the side of the road .I hate the fluffy thing that escapes its yard when I walk my dog and bites my dog on his back leg ---I go the long way now

I like more breeds than others but since I deal with mutts Id have to say they should make them a breed of their own hahahahahhaha

But most of all can't stand their owners --for not giving them a better yard,more time,training a walk a toy etc

yes, shame on those owners trying to put in time with their dog to make up for being at work all day. they sounds like utterly terrible owners to me *insert sarcasm here*.

and late? what is late? if its past a certain time you can call the police, if its not, suck it up and let them have their time with their dog with its probable favourite toy.

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My only dislike of a particular type of dog is its coat. I have a phobia of wire haired coats, I know that sounds weird and it probably is, but I can't stand to touch them. My daughter had an Australian Terrier, it looked wire haired, so I never touched it....but after having to touch her I was totally shocked to realise her coat was so soft and smooth :o I just had no idea, and I always patted her after that. It was the look of it.

I guess I love about 99% of dogs. Besides the coat, I look at the behaviour more, as to whether I like them or not, but thats a personality of the dog I like or dislike, not the breed.


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Oh wait I forgot...I hate my brother-in-laws dog. It's a stupid yappy thing. We try and have a conversation and the dog stands there and barks and barks and barks and...well you get the picture. I can't stand that dog. I think he knows we hate his dog. We would not allow behavior like that from any of our dogs.

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Guest muttrus

HATE to two little dogs behind me who bark all day everyday (even my dogs hate them) Their owner is deaf no joke so never hears them I hate the white fluffy thing across the road who barks non stop when its owners go out I hate the dog next door who barks at nothing --and hate its owners who get home late everynight and persist in playing with it and a squeeky toy .I hate the two fluffy things up the road who constantly bark everyday I walk past --even though I walk on the side of the road .I hate the fluffy thing that escapes its yard when I walk my dog and bites my dog on his back leg ---I go the long way now

I like more breeds than others but since I deal with mutts Id have to say they should make them a breed of their own hahahahahhaha

But most of all can't stand their owners --for not giving them a better yard,more time,training a walk a toy etc

yes, shame on those owners trying to put in time with their dog to make up for being at work all day. they sounds like utterly terrible owners to me *insert sarcasm here*.

and late? what is late? if its past a certain time you can call the police, if its not, suck it up and let them have their time with their dog with its probable favourite toy.

lets see at some peoples house after 11pm maynot be late but here with 3 kids trying to sleep before school and a golden ret barking while its owners squeek non stop screaming out bella bella bella could be considered normal .They are never home during the day as they live in the city and leave their dog at this their other house things aren't always as black and white as for calling the police I don't think it would change anything .

And its not that they are at work all day the mother doesn't work they are well to do type people who like to keep up with the jones the house is a show piece and the dog was bought from a top of the line breeder as they believe no dog is a good dog unless it comes from the best (their words) 3 teenagers they are randomly at the house sometimes they aren't there for weeks at a time during the day only come during the night to feed the dog and play with her ..Its not a case of owners being at work if it was I could understand .Plenty of people work during the day even I do .

Edited by muttrus
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Guest lavendergirl

Oh wait I forgot...I hate my brother-in-laws dog. It's a stupid yappy thing. We try and have a conversation and the dog stands there and barks and barks and barks and...well you get the picture. I can't stand that dog. I think he knows we hate his dog. We would not allow behavior like that from any of our dogs.

Yes that is the key isn't it - the dog has never been taught what is acceptable behaviour.

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Guest donatella

HATE to two little dogs behind me who bark all day everyday (even my dogs hate them) Their owner is deaf no joke so never hears them I hate the white fluffy thing across the road who barks non stop when its owners go out I hate the dog next door who barks at nothing --and hate its owners who get home late everynight and persist in playing with it and a squeeky toy .I hate the two fluffy things up the road who constantly bark everyday I walk past --even though I walk on the side of the road .I hate the fluffy thing that escapes its yard when I walk my dog and bites my dog on his back leg ---I go the long way now

I like more breeds than others but since I deal with mutts Id have to say they should make them a breed of their own hahahahahhaha

But most of all can't stand their owners --for not giving them a better yard,more time,training a walk a toy etc

yes, shame on those owners trying to put in time with their dog to make up for being at work all day. they sounds like utterly terrible owners to me *insert sarcasm here*.

and late? what is late? if its past a certain time you can call the police, if its not, suck it up and let them have their time with their dog with its probable favourite toy.

lets see at some peoples house after 11pm maynot be late but here with 3 kids trying to sleep before school and a golden ret barking while its owners squeek non stop screaming out bella bella bella could be considered normal .They are never home during the day as they live in the city and leave their dog at this their other house things aren't always as black and white as for calling the police I don't think it would change anything .

could you not leave a note in their letterbox and explain your grief? the owners are probably completely unaware of the actual disturbance they are making. hate is a strong word.

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HATE to two little dogs behind me who bark all day everyday (even my dogs hate them) Their owner is deaf no joke so never hears them I hate the white fluffy thing across the road who barks non stop when its owners go out I hate the dog next door who barks at nothing --and hate its owners who get home late everynight and persist in playing with it and a squeeky toy .I hate the two fluffy things up the road who constantly bark everyday I walk past --even though I walk on the side of the road .I hate the fluffy thing that escapes its yard when I walk my dog and bites my dog on his back leg ---I go the long way now

I like more breeds than others but since I deal with mutts Id have to say they should make them a breed of their own hahahahahhaha

But most of all can't stand their owners --for not giving them a better yard,more time,training a walk a toy etc

yes, shame on those owners trying to put in time with their dog to make up for being at work all day. they sounds like utterly terrible owners to me *insert sarcasm here*.

and late? what is late? if its past a certain time you can call the police, if its not, suck it up and let them have their time with their dog with its probable favourite toy.

lets see at some peoples house after 11pm maynot be late but here with 3 kids trying to sleep before school and a golden ret barking while its owners squeek non stop screaming out bella bella bella could be considered normal .They are never home during the day as they live in the city and leave their dog at this their other house things aren't always as black and white as for calling the police I don't think it would change anything .

could you not leave a note in their letterbox and explain your grief? the owners are probably completely unaware of the actual disturbance they are making. hate is a strong word.

I agree, a note to explain how much the noise travels esp at night might make them realise how inconsiderate they are being. They should actually be taking the dog out for at least a walk anyway. Playing with a squeaky toy is not enough excersie or mental stimulation.

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Guest muttrus

thought about it --but before they moved in they renovated the house which of course was always done late at night at midnight they were hammering down nails to sand the floor boards --- They did ask if they were too noisey ? the hubby works on cars when they're there late they slam every car door thats how we know they're home the kids 3 teenage boys often kick the ball against the colourbond fence and they stand out the front of our fence under the trees wearing hoodies claiming they wanted to see our dogs ( we are foster carers for puppies) ------They are the most noisest people Ive ever come across so While I thought about a letter I doubt they would care .My hubby just tells me to put up with it to keep the peace when they were working on a car one day they lost control and it came through the fence lucky it only busted all the colourbond sheeting and not someone That was the day I lost it hubby told me to go inside while he helped them move the car and of course they bought new fencing but since then we don't talk not that we ever really did only a passing hello WHEN we saw them.

I do feel sorry for the dog and I know its loves it WHEN they do play with her but it also send my dogs barking because its pitch black and they can only hear I worry all someone else will hear is my dog complain then sadly I wouldn't be able to have foster dogs here either.

But I don't feel its right to leave a dog alone everyday and sometimes its not them who come home but the mother in law who comes feeds the dog and goes straight away .So I guess they think by doing what they do makes up for what they don't do? These school hoildays they left just after xmas and haven't been back two different family members have taken turns feeding the dog yet noone has played with it or even walked it (that Ive seen) Its a sad case but I guess because it is being fed etc theres'nothing I can do.

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I don't think that there is any breed of dog out there that i can look at and not see the beauty in them. There are breeds that I probably wouldn't have but I will probably look at an individual of that breed and think it's cute.

In saying that though, whilst at a dog show the other day walking through the minefield of chihuahuas in their trolleys, while they were throwing themselves at the sides, growling and barking, whilst their owners laughed, and the large breed I was walking ignored them completely and gave off no body language that should induce such aggression, well that changed my mind a little about that breed. They were "less cute" that night...

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I guess some owners of smaller breeds are to blame.. Chi's are one of the breeds I don't always like, because they show aggression and many of the owners do nothing about it. There are some Chi's which are trained well that I totally adore though.. sweet little munchkins they are.

I really can't stand a feisty small breed that has never been pulled into line :mad

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Guest donatella

I guess some owners of smaller breeds are to blame.. Chi's are one of the breeds I don't always like, because they show aggression and many of the owners do nothing about it. There are some Chi's which are trained well that I totally adore though.. sweet little munchkins they are.

I really can't stand a feisty small breed that has never been pulled into line :mad

Smaller dogs seem to be more possessive and I'm learning that with mine now who I try to socialise with A LOT but she's still wary of strangers who come in (friends she hasn't met) and wont let people she hasn't met pat her which is really annoying for me because I don't want that dog who just wants me. She loves people and dogs she's met before but if she hasn't met you then she's really not interested (not at all aggressive, just not interested in attention from strangers). I want to change this but no idea how. I went to a friends house last night for dinner, she's moved into a big share house and there are 5 or 6 of them there and I brought Lucy along. New surroundings + new people and she wasn't letting anyone touch her. :eek: :eek:

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