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Genetics Of Sprinters Vs Distance Runners:


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A genetic dissection of breed composition and performance enhancement in the Alaskan sled dog

Heather J Huson1,2, Heidi G Parker1, Jonathan Runstadler2 and Elaine A Ostrander1*

They're starting to work toward understanding of the genetics of athletic performance in dogs.



Fascinating article on genetics of performance-selected mix-breed dogs. I found lots of things interesting about this, including charts of degree of heterozygosity comparing 141 AKC registered breeds (conclusion, sprint dogs are more inbred than distance runners . . . and strangely, a few purebred dog breeds show levels of genetic diversity that imply considerable outcrossing). One thing I didn't expect comes from the pictures . . . the sprint racing dogs show sloped hindquarters that approach those of the much maligned modern GSD.

p.s. I didn't put this in studies about dogs cause that part of the forum doesn't permit Topic Titles . . . which greatly reduces its usefulness.

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