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Golden Ret Shedding Clumps Of Fur.


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I have a Golden retriever (10 m.o.) who has just started losing large clumps of her fur from her Hinderquaters.

This only started today, and so far has lost about 4 handfuls of fur

Any ideas ?

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One of my border collies moults in clumps, it makes it so easy to pick up :) The other moults hair by hair.

It very easily could be her first adult moult as persephine said but if she starts scratching or has bald patches see the vet.

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If you have only been brushing the outer hair then the soft under hair will build up in clumps and then find it way to teh surface as a clump and become visible to be either pulled out or fall out.

I would recommend getting a rake type brush to remove her undercoat when she's moulting.

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Do you have a furminator?

I think it's the weather.

My Stevie (GRxLab) has been shedding handfuls, but normally we'd have a couple of months off shedding badly at this time of year.

Pers is right too, there's a big change between puppy and adult coat.

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Do you have a furminator?

I think it's the weather.

My Stevie (GRxLab) has been shedding handfuls, but normally we'd have a couple of months off shedding badly at this time of year.

Pers is right too, there's a big change between puppy and adult coat.

I had a greyhound actually blow coat this year (entire thing was gone in about two weeks, the yard looked like I'd blown up something white and fluffy). Never seen anything like it- I could pull out huge chunks of fur and underneath, lovely coat :shrug:

The weather has been all over the place though so.. maybe that had something to do with it.

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My Pug does the same. He looses it in clumps, not little bits, and he looses that much I think he must be going bald. But nope he has more fur underneath :laugh: The worst parts are his hindquarters. You can actually just pull it out in clumps, its that loose....but he likes to leave it all over the house. So now I use a Furminator....its scary to see the amount of fur loss on such a small dog, but he loves it.


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I don't think a Furminator would work on a GR coat, especially if it's the undercoat shedding, which it sounds like. Like LizT said you need an undercoat rake and lots of brushing right down to the skin. It can get all matted if you don get it out so probably a good idea to get on it ASAP!

Hydrobath and blow drying will help too.

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