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Do I Need Another Mating?

mini girl

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I have a lovely little bitch staying that has been flown up from Melbourne to Brisbane to mate with my boy - so far my boy has only ever had the three girls he lives with - this is his first outside stud - he is 4 years old. The owner said she first noticed her girl in season a week ago last Monday (its now Wednesday morning) and had a progesterone test done on about Thursday as she had been mated once before and no puppies - her vet told her that her progesterone levels can change very rapidly so to get her up to me asap - she arrived Friday night. My boy at first showed no interest at all infact was a little dominent and agro towards her advances. I didn't bother with further progesterone tests as my boy has never missed his mark and always produced pups each time I wanted them with my own 3 girls. ON Monday night he did have a mating with her though and a 20 minute tie - but now does not show much interest at all. I thought if he was true to form he would be looking for another go by now but now only a bit playful but not seeming to want to go the whole way even though the girl is more than willing.

The other problem I have is that my old and now pretty fat girl who has retired and been desexed got an anal gland abcess on the day the new girl arrived - (first time ever had this happen to any of my dogs) well took her to the vet and it is now all under control and seems to be well healed - BUT - my boy is really interested in this old fat girls rear end and not so much the pretty little girl in season!!! My husband is taking the old girl out for a couple of hours today to get her out of the house and I am hoping for another tie with the girl from South - after the success on MOnday night I thought there may have been another mating today and have arranged to fly her back on this Friday coming.

I am a little concerned that this girl does seem to have somewhat erratic seasons - as she didn't conceive last time with a prooven stud but would love to see pups from her and my boy - I know many a litter is the result of one good mating and maybe worried over nothing - will see how they go when the old girl is out of the house for a few hours today.

Do you think I should get her another progesterone test or just let them go together and see what happens - will keep them separated for a few hours today as well and then let them together. Its just so different from the usual when he mates with my own girls.

Any thoughts!!! I thought the mating was ealier than I would have expected but maybe that is how she is - can they go off season that quickly? Or be ready at only about day 7 or 8.

Incidentally - love my old girl to bits she is now just a pet.

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Hi mini girl. :)

I think what I will do next time, whether with my own dogs or with a bitch sent to stud, is prog test (otherwise its a hit and miss scenario with some luck involved) then complete a natural mating and follow it with an AI.

You are lucky they mated, some females might not have been so accomodating and I would have thought an AI would be a sensible back-up.

However, given the time frame involved, and the behaviour you've described your boy may have caught her at the end of her cycle (they still present).


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Before the mating she said she was more than happy for me to have a progesteronbe test and would pay for it - do you think it may be worth doing?

Didn't ask about AI though.

I would have thought you will need a series of tests to establish a baseline and then to follow the peak cycle.

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I haven't been I the situation but if it were my bitch, I woild like you to ring and discuss it (mind you I would probably be a pain and contact you daily to see how she is anyway, lol) I personally would want a prog test and depending on the result and if needed an ai. I would also be happy to cover expenses incurred including your fuel for running her around.

I think the owner of the bitch is the only one that can really guide you as to what to do with their dog.

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Hi mini girl. :)

I think what I will do next time, whether with my own dogs or with a bitch sent to stud, is prog test (otherwise its a hit and miss scenario with some luck involved) then complete a natural mating and follow it with an AI.

You are lucky they mated, some females might not have been so accomodating and I would have thought an AI would be a sensible back-up.

However, given the time frame involved, and the behaviour you've described your boy may have caught her at the end of her cycle (they still present).


At day 8 would have thought more likely to be the beginning of the cycle - her vagina was still firm and still bright red blood the day she arrived - I think I may get her another progesterone test at least today and see where we are at.

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Hi mini girl. :)

I think what I will do next time, whether with my own dogs or with a bitch sent to stud, is prog test (otherwise its a hit and miss scenario with some luck involved) then complete a natural mating and follow it with an AI.

You are lucky they mated, some females might not have been so accomodating and I would have thought an AI would be a sensible back-up.

However, given the time frame involved, and the behaviour you've described your boy may have caught her at the end of her cycle (they still present).


At day 8 would have thought more likely to be the beginning of the cycle - her vagina was still firm and still bright red blood the day she arrived - I think I may get her another progesterone test at least today and see where we are at.

What was the result of her previous Prog test, Minigirl?

No amount of Prog testing will result in a mating if they are not interested, though. An A.I. would be the only option in a reluctant but technically viable union. If the owner has given you the okay, speak to your vet.

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Hi mini girl. :)

I think what I will do next time, whether with my own dogs or with a bitch sent to stud, is prog test (otherwise its a hit and miss scenario with some luck involved) then complete a natural mating and follow it with an AI.

You are lucky they mated, some females might not have been so accomodating and I would have thought an AI would be a sensible back-up.

However, given the time frame involved, and the behaviour you've described your boy may have caught her at the end of her cycle (they still present).


At day 8 would have thought more likely to be the beginning of the cycle - her vagina was still firm and still bright red blood the day she arrived - I think I may get her another progesterone test at least today and see where we are at.

What was the result of her previous Prog test, Minigirl?

No amount of Prog testing will result in a mating if they are not interested, though. An A.I. would be the only option in a reluctant but technically viable union. If the owner has given you the okay, speak to your vet.

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Guess what - the minute I pick up the phone to start making calls they tie again - I think I should trust my boy's judgement - maybe he just needed to get his strength back - so that is a tie on Monday night and now one Wednesday morning - maybe one more before she flys home Friday.

Do you still think it still worth a progesterone test to see where she is?

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I would talk to the bitch's owner and ask what she wants to do.

I had a bitch once fly here on Wednesday, get mated Thursday night, and then all the stud and bitch did after that was play with one another - no further matings!! BUT 4 puppies resulted from that one mating, so the stud and the bitch must've known it was the right time and not be interested after that.

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Personally, I would have done a progesterone test the day of or the day after her arrival after all her owner has paid out the money to send her to you and I am sure she would be prepared to do whatever was necessary to ensure that she becomes pregnant.

Do you know what her progesterone was before her arrival?

Do a prog today, wait for the result and if necessary do a AI if the stud is not interested.

I have been successful on a few occasions with only one well timed mating.

Post edited to say Yes do Progesterone just for peace of mind.

Edited by Fordogs
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Personally, I would have done a progesterone test the day of or the day after her arrival after all her owner has paid out the money to send her to you and I am sure she would be prepared to do whatever was necessary to ensure that she becomes pregnant.

Do you know what her progesterone was before her arrival?

Do a prog today, wait for the result and if necessary do a AI if the stud is not interested.

I have been successful on a few occasions with only one well timed mating.

Post edited to say Yes do Progesterone just for peace of mind.

Will ring my repro vet re a progesterone test to be sure. Thanks for the advice.

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I haven't been I the situation but if it were my bitch, I woild like you to ring and discuss it (mind you I would probably be a pain and contact you daily to see how she is anyway, lol) I personally would want a prog test and depending on the result and if needed an ai. I would also be happy to cover expenses incurred including your fuel for running her around.

I think the owner of the bitch is the only one that can really guide you as to what to do with their dog.


Ask the person who's paying :laugh:

If it was my bitch I would have asked for an AI yesterday if the dog was not that keen - probably means it's too late but better a small vet bill than no pups and wondering.

ETA: got to the update :o Still phone the bitch's owner, but in these circs I wouldn't be wanting an AI, but would expect the stud dog owner to have another try tomorrow just in case

Edited by Sandra777
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Just an update - all looks good now - my boy is as keen as mustard and won't leave her - so that is a tie on Monday night a tie on Wednesday morning and I think they will get one more in tomorrow - won't let him go tonight give him a chance to get his sperm count back up - the old girl with the anal gland problem is now totally uninteresting to him - so looks like all should be fine - hope so. As said before he has never missed with my own girls and does produce lovely pups.

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Just an update - all looks good now - my boy is as keen as mustard and won't leave her - so that is a tie on Monday night a tie on Wednesday morning and I think they will get one more in tomorrow - won't let him go tonight give him a chance to get his sperm count back up - the old girl with the anal gland problem is now totally uninteresting to him - so looks like all should be fine - hope so. As said before he has never missed with my own girls and does produce lovely pups.

He doesn't need a rest to get his sperm count back up, give him a feed of red meat and he would have been ready to go again within a couple of hours.

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Just an update - all looks good now - my boy is as keen as mustard and won't leave her - so that is a tie on Monday night a tie on Wednesday morning and I think they will get one more in tomorrow - won't let him go tonight give him a chance to get his sperm count back up - the old girl with the anal gland problem is now totally uninteresting to him - so looks like all should be fine - hope so. As said before he has never missed with my own girls and does produce lovely pups.

Good luck...Sounds like you'll easily get a third by Friday, I'd try Thursday afternoon.

Then it looks like it will be up to her from here on :D

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