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Nose/skin Specialist In Sydney?


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Eye lids/rim? I cant say i have never noticed what color they are, having said that i havent noticed a color change either (ie its not apparent that they changed color). Thinking about it i say black/brown color but will double check. I only really pay attention to his actual eyes.

Lips? Now thats another strange one, when he was a pup (attached in the pic with his mouth open) it was light with a few patches, as he got older it went darker (as seen in the shot at the beach), now that he is older again its gone back to how he was as a pup but i would say with more contrast, ie its now pink and black patches. The vet has always said his mouth (lips, gums and teeth) are healthy.

Also attached is a pic of his nose when he was very little pup.

Yeah i had a look into the bowls, the wife went out and got some at petbarn, looking on the web tho they say you need to make sure that the glaze doesnt contain lead and you have to check the bowls regularly for cracks as bateria can grow in the cracks (if they get any). The wife was going to ring the petbarn today and ask about the glaze (we doubt they would know tho). Or if lead free a standard now for product just not house paint etc? He hasnt used them as yet.

thanks for the help :)




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