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Clicker Training


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kikopup videos on You Tube

I have not trained many dogs - in fact our old stafford trained me, more than I trained him (I learned so much about dogs from him)...

I watched a You Tube video from a lass called kikopup and have since watched many more (link above).

I have put into action the sit, drop, stay and throwing treats away but clicking and rewarding for leaving them thrown treats and was totally amazed at how quickly our new staffy cross (Ziggy) picked this up..

He got excited when I picked up the clicker this morning (I was moving it into the training bag for later) - so we did 5 minutes more and he did it the morning like he had been doing it all his life.

Personally I will be using her methods to keep going with this as it seems to be working for us...

Any opinions on her methods?

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i think she's great :)

I especially love the bomb-proof stay videos. I think that the method she teaches for the stay is particularly useful for anxious dogs.

I'm also currently training pivot using her video.

Hehe yes the halloween one is really good :laugh:

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No Kavik I have not seen that one yet - slowly making my way through them though.

Raineth, that is the one that I used yesterday - I could not believe how quickly he picked it up. In about 5-10 minutes he was laying down while I threw treats, clicked and rewarded and he just stayed.

Ziggy is a bit fearful and very submissive (I dread to think what his life was like before we got him from the pound)...

I am still getting him used to the lead as he is still a bit fearful of it, so we have been doing this at home with no lead...

Our next project is to stop him pulling on the lead - he only does this when a noise startles him or he gets worried when we are out (I ignore this and just keep walking for now)...

When walking I just give him the whole lead and he does pull a bit but I don't want to correct him just yet - I want him to not be afraid of it first. He needs to know that it is nothing to be afraid of...

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Emily is a very clever trainer who walks the walk. She does a lot of stuff that "can't be done" :laugh:

I know, it took me 2 weeks of about 3 x 10 minute sessions a day to get him to sit and not wriggle out of it the minute he sat.

I just had him out again and he did everything like he did it yesterday, he just gets it and so do I (I think :laugh: )...

He also seems to really like it.

I stopped and had the clicker in my hand and the whole time he just sat there waiting and looking at the clicker - so I release him with OK and off he went...

I wish I had found this ages ago...

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1326584210[/url]' post='5678711']

Emily is a very clever trainer who walks the walk. She does a lot of stuff that "can't be done" :laugh:

Camp Tailwaggers is having Emily here for a seminar, i think in August:)

Oh really? Emily Larlham, Bob Bailey - 2012 is a good year on the speaker's circuit!

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ktig....only one clicker? :rofl::eek: You'll get hooked and then you'll need clickers everywhere...car, kitchen, training bag.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

haha. I've been watching a few of her videos and I was thinking the same thing! :rofl:

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I thinks she's great and I've been crazy for clicker traiing since I picked up my first clicker. I LOVE watching them work it out and its such a fast way to teach. I taught Quinn to open a cupboard door, take out an item, close the door and bring the item to me in about 4 sessions thanks to her being so clicker savvy.

Emily Larlham is actually coming to Aus later in the year to do a seminar at camp tailwaggers. I can't wait.

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ktig....only one clicker? :rofl::eek: You'll get hooked and then you'll need clickers everywhere...car, kitchen, training bag.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:laugh: I think this is what I need to be like. When I first got my dog, I had never heard of a clicker and only knew of it through reading on this forum. I wish I'd used it from the get go because it makes thing sooo much easier.

I want to get one for everywhere like you said so that I can use it ALL the time. The amount of times I go "oh, where's the clicker?!!?" doh.

Was most concerned the other day when one side 'clicked in' and wouldn't click out again! :laugh:

p.s. I only saw one of her youtube clips last week and they are verrry clear so I think i'll be watching many more :)

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