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Border Terrier Arthritis


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My 10 year old Border has arthritis. He has gone from being a very active dog and full of spark to al of a sudden not being able to move fast at all and seems to have lost his mojo. Any suggestions? He has just had xrays which reveal compression in a few discs in his spine and spurs. I hate seeing him hot be able to move as quick as he could and chase the birds, would love some advice please. Apart from his arthritis is health is A+.

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If you are giving fish oil to your dog it is a wise idea to supplement it with Vitamin E


and an interesting DOL post here.. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/210570-i-almost-killed-my-dog-by-giving-him-fish-oil-tablets/

Edited by Boronia
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My Staffy has arthritis, and some back problem. He has had the injections, joint guard, fish oil,Vit e and tried a few other things. I also give him Ester C. I have tried him on all of these things separately, and I really think in our case, the Ester C seems to make the most difference.

Mild exercise, such as regular walks I think are also important to keep them moving and keep their spirits up. I think it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking they are sore so we don't go out as much, but I have found, if I miss walks with him, he seems worse, and stiffens up.

Hope you find success with something. I think it is like with human arthritis, some things work for some and not others. It is a matter if trying things to see which works best, together with regular gentle exercise.

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