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She's A 'keeper' !


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Okay so I've decided I'm keeping little Emmalee, my singleton girl who turned 6 weeks last Tuesday.

She had her 6 week vet check, all good, has a good bite and nice structure and type, no hernia, good heart, knees. so, so far so good. And we got the all clear from the Opthalmologist today...perfect eyes! :thumbsup:

Yah, she's staying. :D


Edited by LizT
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..and why isn't that a big surprise :p She's lovely !

Well I did tell myself if the boxes didn't tick she'd be pet homed. So I'm pretty chuffed given I didn't have a half dozen to choose from, I've been blessed I think. :D

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No surprise here either and yes we knew that from the start, Now for her name ?????????? :thumbsup:

So how come everyone knew the fates were smiling at me and I have been a stresshead for nothing??? My bloody heart was pounding at the vets the other day and again today at the Eye specialists! :laugh:

1st. choice

Wandalier Emerald Solitaire

2nd. choice

Wandalier Solitaire Gem. (cos she's Em the Gem!) :laugh:

Pet name Emmalee, AKA Emmie, Emm, M & M.

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They're only 5 weeks old tomorrow but one is starting to look very nice when they're out in the yard, moving etc with a natural stack but I've got some more experienced hound people going over them all for me in 2-3 weeks so I will wait and see if they agree with me first. I don't want to jinx anything which is why they're all still known as Purple, Blue, Red & Yellow lol

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They're only 5 weeks old tomorrow but one is starting to look very nice when they're out in the yard, moving etc with a natural stack but I've got some more experienced hound people going over them all for me in 2-3 weeks so I will wait and see if they agree with me first. I don't want to jinx anything which is why they're all still known as Purple, Blue, Red & Yellow lol

:laugh: We have cooch grass on the front lawn so Miss Emmie bounds along like a toddler on a trampoline! :)

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I like first choose. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Hmmm....hopefully so will "the powers that be".

OH came home with a bottle of bubbly and asked "How'd you go at the eye vets today??"

"See, told you she was okay", was his response to my news. :champagne:

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I like first choose. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Hmmm....hopefully so will "the powers that be".

OH came home with a bottle of bubbly and asked "How'd you go at the eye vets today??"

"See, told you she was okay", was his response to my news. :champagne:


I showed the pic to Lyn C and she said Umm I know some pups that look like that. ;)

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