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Exporting To Singapore


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I know the age we can send internationally, but can anyone with recent experience give me an idea on any other rules or restrictions that need to be dealt with prior to and during an export of a pup to Singapore? Rules seem to change by the day and I want to be sure that I've crossed all my T's and dotted my I's properly!

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I haven't exported for some years now, but I was told recently that you can't get a animals out of the country these days with out using an agent. Don't know if this correct or not but it may be well worth a phone call or e mail to an agent.

We have one on this forum that I have used and was more than happy with. "Wayrod"

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You will need an import permit:

The conditions are listed here - http://www.ava.gov.sg/AnimalsPetSector/ImportExportTransOfAnimalRelatedPrd/PetsPersonal/index.htm#veterinary1

In a nutshell:

- at least 12 weeks of age

- chipped

- 2 x C3 vaccination 4 weeks apart and at least 2 weeks prior to export

- final vet check (by an AQIS accredited vet - AAV) within 3 days of departure

- external parasite treatment (between 2-10 days of departure) - done by AAV

- internal parasite treatment (within 4 days of departure) - done by AAV

I highly encourage the use of an agent!

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I planned on using an agent as I knew it would be so much simpler. I have a local AQIS approved vet so I"m good in that regard as she's up on all the latest rules/regs. Waiting to see if they are going through with the sale or will pass.....

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